Chapter 22: We miss her

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(This is back in Phili's family)

It's currently early in the morning. And as usual, they are preparing for the rest of the day.

Kati is checking the weapons, Perla is cooking their breakfast, Del is helping his mother arranging the table to get ready to eat, and meanwhile, Martial is still jogging around their land.

Martial's POV

'Still early, maybe I'll do some workout while I'm here.' I said to myself as I continue jogging.


I checked my phone and saw a message from North.

(their chat)


---------- 6:30 am

Hey! You already up right? Need to say something. Text back if you see this

---------- 6:32 am

Yeah, why?

So I saw China yesterday....I forgot to text to since my phone is kinda having trouble.

Something happened?

Well he looked like he's chasing someone
Then I saw your sister with her

Maybe I should just enroll to so I can be with her and protect her there, what you think?

Wha- seriously?? You're coming here?

Hahaha as if I can do that, I'm not even the one that's gonna rule the country, it's my sister

Oh right, We're gonna have a group date this coming Saturday... I'll just update you

Sure thanks

still in Martial's POV

I just went home and breakfast together with my family. It feels so peaceful with nothing to think and worry about, aside with my twin. All of us are worried, but, obviously, we trust her that she can already handle herself there and be safe even without us.

Kati's POV

I sighed and looked at my wife, "Mahal, pwede ba kita makausap pagkatapos ng almusal? (Love can I talk to you after breakfast?) " I whispered at her, to make sure that my two sons don't notice it. She just nodded at what I said.

We finished eating our breakfast and continued the rest of our day.

I'm sure that she already have an idea of what I'm going to say.

"Mahal, nakatanggap ako ng sulat galing kay Mr. Asean. (Love, I received a letter from Mr. Asean.)" I started. I reached the letter from my pocket and read it to my wife.

"Sabi dito, may mga masasamang espiya daw na nasa eskwelahan nila Phili. Hinahanap na ng mga tauhan ni Mr. Asean kung sino o sino sino yun. Pero hindi pa rin ligtas dahil may plano silang masama para sa mga leaders ng bansa. At kabilang Phili...

(It is said that there are evil spies at Phili's school. Mr. Asean's staff is already looking for them. But it is still not safe because they have bad plans for the country's leaders. And among those Phili...)"

I continued but the moment I saw my daughter's name, I just...


I'm so worried about her.

If only I can do something. I will fight and give my life...


just to make sure she's safe.Perla was so shocked about what she heard and I can see in her face that she already wants to cry. But she doesn't want us to worry more, so the braved herself.

But suddenly, someone spoked and surprised us.

"I can be with her. All I need is to prove I am also worthy like my sister right?" Martial said confidently.

"But the ruler of the country-" I said but got interrupted by him.

"I know, Papa. I don't want to rule. I just want to be with her, in order to protect her." he said.

"She's only been in a short amount of time there. It would be a waste if we made her go back to her old life. She already have a lot of friends and also... she's trying to forget about the past." Perla said sadly.

A moment of silence was in the room for a while. Until Del decided to come in and broke the silence.

"Ma, Pa...let him protect her. I heard everything and...I think it would be for the best." He calmly suggested.

I looked at Perla, and then at Martial. Perla looked so worried but is trying to hide it. And Martial...he looked determined.

With a long pause, I finally decided...

"If even my oldest son thinks that this will be a good idea...then I'll write a letter about this matter, and send it to Mr. Asean." I said.

"I'm sure that he'll allow this. So Martial, be prepared because you're going to Phili. Protect her at all cost." I added.

"Yes, Papa." he replied.

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