Chapter 13: What Should I Do?

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Belarus' POV

"Брат, почему ты здесь? (Brother, why are you here?)" I asked my brother who looks like he just murdered someone.

"Что вы имеете в виду? (What do you mean?)" he asked.

"You're on my dorm! Our dorm, just me, Nekomi and Mallie. It doesn't include you." I complained.

"Who's Mallie?" he asked.

"Malay's younger sister. She's my classmate." I said. "You do know Malay, right? You just met him the other day..." I awkwardly asked, he doesn't really remember someone especially if he doesn't care about them.

He is just staring at me. Looks like he doesn't really remember. Ok, I'll give him a clue.

"He is your Sunshine's friend. The one you scared. The one who looks like Ame but no. And also the other one is Indo, looks like...Monaco, Poland and Singapore, but no. You remember now?" I asked.

"They just looked all the same. Are they secretly related to one another? I don't even recognize them at some point. Maybe because we're not close." I shrugged.

"Yeah. I remember." he said.

"Yeah. Yeah. Don't change the topic. Why are you here?" I asked again.

"Помоги мне. (Help me.)" he coldly said.

"I told you not to kill, right?" I sarcastically said.

"No, I didn't. It's just...for the date me pick a gift for her..." he mumbled, looks like he's shy or something. He might have thought that I didn't heard that, but too bad, I can hear very well.

"Kyaaa!!! Sure! I'll do it! And also outfit! Do you have one?" I excitedly screeched.

"Yeah. I'll wear the coat that Dad gave to me. He said I should only wear it in special occasions. And this a special occasion for me." he proudly said.

"Then all left is a gift. And maybe some tips on how you should behave tomorrow." I said.

"What? Just a gift. And that's all." he declined.

"What would you do if someone interrupt your date?" I suddenly asked.

"Beat them up. And make sure that they will never see the sun again." he immediately respond.

"Yeah! You should do that brother! No one should mess with you two. I won't let that happen, obviously!" I said.


We went to the nearby mall, in order to choose something.

"By the way, what will be your plans tomorrow?" I curiously asked.

"Whatever Sunshine wants. We can go here at the mall, eat something delicious, watch a movie, anything that can make her happy." he said.

"What? No! You should be more sweet to her." I complained.

"Then, what about a park? There's a nearby park here." he said.

"Yeah. You should do both. Mall first, then, to the park. I heard that it's beautiful at night there." I suggested.

"Are you sure?" he asked.

"Trust me. Phili will be really happy tomorrow." I replied.

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