Chapter 24: Dream

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America's POV

This is already the fourth time this happened...

Why can't I just sleep peacefully?

"I JUST WANT MY SLEEP!!!" I said in a loud voice.

"Bro, we also to want sleep. If you can lower down your voice then that would be great. Thank you." Canada said politely as he yawned.

"Can't sleep? You can sleep with my iguana here. It doesn't bite." Aussie offered.

"I can't also sleep but did I complained loudly about that?" NZ sarcastically said, as he rolled over to the other side of his bed. "And Kiwi, you're iguana is beside me...biting my pillowcase again for the sixth time this month. I just changed it yesterday. Get him here." He complained.

"Too bad he's back to sleep already. And we should too. Have a great night, brothers." Canada said as he yawned again.

I went back to my bed and tried to sleep.

But still can't... I keep dreaming about about the past...

Especially him...(it would be great if it was Phili I'm dreaming of. But no! It was him......just why?)

"Looks like I won't be  able to sleep tonight too" I sighed, and I just took my phone to scroll on my social media to pass some time.

After a few hours, I finally fall asleep...

There's a raging fire and it's everywhere. Everything...

Everything is a mess.

I see something... laying in front of me. But I can't see it properly. It's so dark and the smoke is everywhere.

I tried to walk closer. But the more I walk the more it becomes farther.

Every step I take doesn't even matter. I tried to run but I can't reach her-

"Just why? WHY?!?!" I screamed in frustration.

"Help. H...elp-"

"No more...s-stop..."

"*hic* W-why?"

I heard something. It's faint but I totally heard it.

"Don't worry. It's gonna fine. I'll make sure that everything will be alright." I tried to reassure the voice. No matter where I look, I can't see where the voice is coming. It's just darkness in here.

"*sobs* I thought you were my.....f-friend"

"I-...Of course I'm y-your friend. And will f-forever be your friend. Please show yourself to me." I replied. But it's not good enough. I can't speak properly-

I am scared too. I'm afraid of what's happening. This is all my mistake. I shouldn't have done anything to harm her. If I could turn back time, I'll make sure to love her more-




"Brother...n-no...what have you done to my brother!!"

"Wha- what was that? Again...?" I suddenly rose up awake.

I felt the pain right through my heart. I kept remembering that past lately.


I checked my wound once again. Feels like it just happened yesterday but no...that was ages ago. I can still feel the gun wound he gave to me before I-

"No. No. I can't think of that again. No need to change for the better. I promised to be a better person for her..." I said to myself.

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