Chapter 10.5: Forgiveness

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Malay's POV

"She's talking to Japan and his sister..." I curiously said to Indo.

"I can see that, but too bad we can't hear what they are talking about." Indo disappointingly said.

"Should we move closer? I'm so curious what they are talking about." I said.

"Yeah let's do that...but what if they see us?" he replied.

We moved a little closer to hear what they are talking about. We can hear some but we can't actually understand some of it.

"What is she saying to them? Can you understand it?" I curiously asked.

"All I can hear is...we are sorry...done before...and umm...that's all." Indo said.

"Listen carefully, would you? How can we know what they are talking about with just that?" I said. "Sorry? Did they do something bad to Phili?" I added.

"I don't know. Let's ask her later. Because it will not be good if they hurt her, you know." Indo said.

"Seriously?? What if they are not fighting? What if it's just...a misunderstanding? There's no way she can get into a fight. And if she do, of course we're gonna help." I said.

We are still arguing about what we think they are talking and we didn't realize that Phili was already behind us.

"What are the two of you doing in here? Are you spying on me? I'll tell my brother about this." Phili said to us.

"Nothing..." we said avoiding the question she just asked.

"Don't...don't you think that the weather is nice?? Ohhh right...Malay, let's go to our club, fast." Indo said nervously.

"Yeah...sure let's do that." I said as I signaled Indo to run as fast as we can.

We are about to run for our lives. Obviously, we're gonna do that! Phili's brother is scary!

"Hahaha!!! Are you two serious? Of course I won't tell my brother about this." Phili said while still laughing.

"Sorry...we don't mean to follow you." I sincerely said.

"We are just curious that you left us earlier, you know?" Indo added.

"Ohh right, sorry about that. But why are you trying to run?" she curiously asked.

"Of course we are gonna run!! Your brother is scary, and if he knew that we secretly followed you, we are sure that he'll be mad!" Indo complained to Phili.

"Yeah right, he sure is scary, but he is also somewhat...kind and reliable. But that is only with people he trust and care about." I added.

"Well, that's true. But he also trust you guys. That's why you don't need to be scared to him." Phili said.

"Really???" we said.

"Of course, we are all friends." Phili said with a smile.

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