Chapter 12: Not Just Another Day

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~timeskip, it's friday~

Phili's POV

Me and my friends are just doing nothing because it is our free time and our teacher is not around. So that's why we are just laying in the garden just beside the canteen.

"Wow...time sure fly fast, huh? It's already the end of weekday. And also almost a week since I transferred. I'm surprised that I managed to survive for five days here." I said as I stared at the sky.

"Yeah, and your date is also coming. It's tomorrow, right?" Malay said as he also looked up.

"The weather is so nice." Indo said as he stretched and yawn. "I hope the weather will also be good tomorrow." he added.

"Right...I still need to prepare for tomorrow. Nah... I'll do it later when I come back to the dorm." I said.

"Do you need help or something? We can help you pick your dress." Malay asked.

"Woah, really? You'll do that? Sure thanks." I happily said.

"Yeah. Count me in!" Indo excitedly said.


"This one looks better! Look! It even got a cute little ribbon in it!" Malay argued as he showed the light blue dress with a cute ribbon.

"What?! No! This one will suit Phili more!" Indo argued as he showed the pink dress with flowers.

"Calm down guys...there's no need to argue about this." I calmly said.

They remind me of my brothers... always fighting over simple things.

"Phili, of course we can't! We want to help you. If only this guy understand that this is better, then everything will be fine." Malay complained.

"Of course this one better than yours! Just look at it! It have flowers! Cool right?" Indo stubbornly said.

They continued to argue and is still fighting which of the dress is better. A few moments later, we heard a knock at the door of my room.

"Looks like my roommates are here. I'll just greet them, ok?" I said to my friends as I open the door.

"Good afternoon, Phili. Are you busy? I heard some noises." kuya North said.

"Sorry kuya North...we are just choosing what dress is the best. We'll lower down our voices. Sorry again." I embarrassedly said.

"A dress? For what? Are you going out?" he curiously said.

I explained to him everything. From what America said until to the unexpected date of me and kuya Ruski.

"Oh, I see. Do you need help? I can also help you." he said.

"It's really fine, thanks." I said.

We are having a conversation, then I felt that something is tugging my shirt. I looked and I saw Indo and Malay staring at me.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Are we in trouble?" they mumbled.

"What? No, of course not." I said.

"You sure? Then why is North here? Well, obviously, he's your roommate. But still! Is he mad or something?" Malay worriedly said.

"It's fine. He also just want to help. That's all." I replied.

"Then let him help. Maybe he got some ideas. That is if he wants to." Indo said as he look at kuya North.

"I'll be happy to help." kuya North said.

I guess we'll finish this quickly, since there are more people now.

But no, it's not what happened. After a few minutes, the argument continued...

"Hey! Listen to me before I nuke you! This outfit is better! It will look good at Phili!" kuya North said in a loud voice as he lifted his chosen outfit, a black t-shirt with a cute design in front and a plain white pants.

"Nope. No way! That's way too plain for her!" Malay contradicted.

"Yep, we should choose something more...flashy!!" Indo said.

The argument continued that they didn't notice that kuya South is also in here. He also looked at the outfits and had chosen one.

"How about this one? Phili will look like a Korean idol with this. It will be fashionable." he suggested.

"NO!" they said in unison.

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