Hiding ( Continuation of unlocked)

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OH LOOK SHE IS HERE. yes friends I went on hiatus to relax a bit so yes so I am back and unlocked was evil. I swear Shannon is taking professional evil lessons . Anyways lemme not bore you.

Keefe glittered on to the driveway. He looked left and right. It was dark and eerily silent. Good.

He let out a sigh as he walked to the slightly familiar house. The dog? Keefe did'nt know but he knew that Foster called it a dog, was barking loudly upon seeing him. The thought of Sophie sent his stomach sinking to the ground in dread. She was going to be so mad. Mostly she was going to be heartbroken. And that killed Keefe but he had to. He had to protect everyone. The time when he left to infiltrate the Neverseen (quite poorly he might add) , he was sure she was going to hate him.Now he was even more sure that Sophie would hate him.

He paused in front of the sturdy tudor doors. He really didnt need to bother her. He could live on the streets but with the little knowledge he had of the forbidden cities and his powers that he has yet to control, so he would rather not. He needed to go somewhere that Sophie probably would'nt think to search. And yes, he knew that she was going to search for him. Because Sophie Foster never listened to him. But since he also did'nt listen to Foster, he probably should'nt judge.

He knocked on the door and stood there, wringing his hands. What if its her parents? He was pretty sure he was going to become a criminal when they see a teenage boy in weird clothes standing on their porch in the dead middle of the night. He was just going to hope that it was Amy who was going to open the doors.

The door swung open and Amy stood there, her clothes rumpled and with a severe case of bed hair. Keefe had to stifle his laughter. He could see where she got her messy bed hair from. But then Sophie's bed hair was so adorable. Keefe pinched himself. If his dumb brain kept on connecting everything he saw to Foster, he was going to be in a downward spiral.

Amy's eyes grew wide.

" Are'nt you Sophie's boyfriend? What are you doing here?"

He wished.

Keefe could feel blush creep up his neck and cheeks.

"Erm no, and I know you don't know me well but can I stay here for a while?"

Amy raised her eyebrows. " Why though, don't you have like a sparkly mansion?"

Uneasiness flipped his stomach . " I can't go to the lost cities, I am dangerous," He whispered.

"How can I let you in my house when I know that your dangerous,"

"Trust me Amy, just give a space to return to during the nights. I swear I won't bother you. I am gonna get a job and you know be out the whole day,"

Amy stayed silent. Keefe was about to open his mouth to say something but then remembered that he needed to adjust his tone so that he would'nt command her by accident.

"Please, you need to help me. At least for Foster," His voice cracked at her name. It has been a few days since he saw her or properly talked to her and it shattered his heart to not hold her hand or see her one last time.

Amy eyes shined with empathy. " You saved my parents, I didnt even thank you properly. You can stay in the basement and I will try my best to steer my parents away from it,"

Keefe's knees were about to give way from relief.

"Thank you so much,"

Amy nodded and pointed down the hallway. "Walk that way and take the stairs, I am going to go get blankets,"

Keefe turned but there was something he had to say.

"Hey Amy, Can you promise something to me? If Foster ever comes here, don't tell her I am here,"

"I cannot promise you that. My sister cares a lot for you and if I lied about you staying here.Sophie is going to feel heartbroken,you do realise that. I am going to be devasted. You cannot run away from your problems.My sister helped me.I am sure she can help you,"

"I care alot about her too,but I have to stay away from her," He loved her and he was determined to protect her with ever fibre of his being, even if it meant he cannot see her anymore.

" I see that,you're good guy,"

"After what I did,I dont think I am the good guy anymore,"

Keefe promptly turned away and walked towards the basement and thought about what Amy had said.

You cannot run away from your problems

Sophie is going to feel heartbroken.

Keefe couldn't help but think

Wow Keefe Sencen you really screwed up big time

Yes he did,but he was going to try his best to survive this big unfathomable mess.

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