Star-crossed Part 1

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"Tell me a story of the Sun and Moon,"

Song : Moonlight by Ariana Grande


Sophie leaned against the locker, hands tightly grasping the piece of paper scrawled with her quite untidy handwriting. For Universe , her new Mentor, Madame Allegra had requested her to bottled some stars, after giving her an hour long lecture on reminders to not bottle something dangerous and nearly burn down the school like she did in Level 1. Sophie nodded and gave a few unnassuring words while inside she was having a full blown nervous breakdown.

The last time she bottled stars she got burned, collected an unmapped star that apparently would burn down the whole school ( which she should have when she had gotten the chance) and funny name called Quintessence that she had trouble pronouncing. Did she mention that no one was supposed to know the location and it was highly illegal to bottle it?

Since after Sir Astin ( cough Forkle) left ( cough became principle cough) her new Universe teacher had been avoiding  the assignment until she discovered that it would be part of Sophie's final grade. And now that she was in Level 5, Principle Leto and Madame Allegra had gained a little bit of faith in that Sophie would not do something stupid and dangerous. Which was also funny because danger and stupidity played integral roles in whatever she did. Sophie sighed and slumped against her locker.

 How was she supposed to-

" So I am guessing that you are plotting to burn down the school once again. You are soooo letting me in on this," A whispery voice said into her ear.

A jolt of adrenaline rushed through her as she jumped, her shoulder colliding with something hard. She twirled around to see Keefe rubbing his chin, wincing.


Keefe placed his finger on Sophie's lips, causing heat to rise up her cheeks.

"It's ok Foster, by the way, no need to scream. My hearing is impeccable,"  He said, smirking.

Sophie rolled her eyes, grabbing his hand down from her lips. He pulled on her bottom lip as he dropped his hand, his gaze so intense her heart just... stopped. She could see a nasty bruise from on his chin. Curse her shoulder blades.

"You should probably go see Elwin for that bruise,"

Keefe smiled. " With you around, I have a guarantee for bruises  but we all know it was part of the deal when we became Team Foster-Keefe,"

Sophie knew he was just being sweet so she reached out tentatively and massaged his jaw.

Keefe sighed as he leaned into her touched. His skin was silky soft and radiated heat that made Sophie feel rejuvenated.

Sophie's hearing sharpened when she heard a deep....sort of purring?

"Keefe do you hear that purring sound?"

Keefe jerked away from her. " What no? It has to be from something that is near us but not from us and-"

Sophie did'nt need to be an Empath to feel the waves of embarrassment and nervousness he sent her.  She stuck with raising her eyebrows questioningly.

Shrugging, he  leaned against the locker.

" So what are you gonna do about the assignment,"

Sophie frowned. "I am just gonna go find some stars and chuck it into a bottle and be done with," Keefe stepped forward, closing yet another 1cm between them. His boot touched hers and Sophie was trying to keep her damn blush down.

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