blanket pt 3

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 Sophie trudged through the halls of Foxfire Academy, tired to the bone. It was so difficult to sleep without him. Her adoptive mother, Edaline did everything that she could to try to make her sleep. Warm teas, eye drops but nothing could lull Sophie to sleep. She still had the blanket. But after 5 years, the scent of him faded off and without his warm hand, sleep just wasn't possible.

In the small time she got a bit of shut eye, his face haunted her. He would come close, gently caress her cheeks and he would slip away before she could get a hold of him. A painful reminder of how he left. The 5 years in the orphanage Sophie had been entirely dependent on him. From emotional support to helping her brush her hair, he did it. He was there when her tooth fell out,when she finally was old enough to get out of the orphanage. He was her everything. Best friend and family.

But then Sophie did'nt realise how much she loved him. The mini heart attacks when he gets called by Mrs Bettingham to get scolded for his pranks. The flutters in her heart after seeing his smiles. The electric zing when he touched her. The flood of warmth when he hugged her. Sophie could faintly remember how much she loved the feel of his warm lips against the skin of her forehead when he left that night. She loved him so much .Now Sophie could'nt help wonder if she had told him that she loved him,would he have stayed?

Sophie searched so much. When she got adopted by Grady and Edaline Ruewen and moved to the other side of the country,she searched every house. She asked everyone if they knew him.But would he have forgotten her? She told him that she would always be in his heart.But its been so long and she is Sophie Foster,she is easy to forget.

Sophie took out the blanket from her bag and hugged it close to her. The ice blue cloth close to her skin,the softness of the blanket matching the suppleness of his hands. She traced her hands over the embroidery of his name and snuggled in close. As long as Sophie had the blanket,she could manage.


Sophie snapped out of her reverie. Her heart sped up.Stina was holding it high up, loosely and it was at the verge of falling.Stina was a bitch  that went out of her way to make Sophie's life worse and right now was not a good time.She gritted her teeth.

"Stina give it back,"

"Oh its really precious? I will help you by sending it to your home, right where it belongs,"Sophie watched in horror as she threw it into the trashbin.Stina laughed as she walked away,the clunk of her heels reverberating through the hallways.

The blanket.Its gone.The only thing she had that was his,sitting in the trash. Sophie's heart started beating faster and she started shaking.

No no no no no no.

Panic Attack.

Sophie got them often due to her panic disorder and his blanket was the one that kept her from passing out.

She took big gulps of air as the shortness of air hit her.Sweat and tears rolled off her cheeks.She wiggled her fingers to fight off  the numbness. She rocked herself back and forth.Darkness rimmed her eyesight.

She felt someone take her hand,whispering that she would be okay into her ear.

Sophie relaxed,slumping against the person. 

She felt them move in front of her,tucking in her hair behind her ear.

She looked up to see ice blue eyes rimmed with tears.

She stalled.

Her dreams and nightmares,her heaven and hell.

Keefe Sencen was here,holding her hand.

His jawline was more pronounced,his hair falling into his eyes. He was well toned and just so ....handsome. Her heart fluttered. He didnt look like what she remembered but those gorgeous blue eyes still held the care and concern she saw as she grew up . 

" I.." His voice cracked as he looked away.

"You are dream ,you are not here,"She whispered,tears streaming down her face. She expected him to fade away like he always did.

"I am here,"

He gently took her hand and placed it on his cheek and Sophie gasped from the rush of heat.

She was'nt hallucinating.

Sophie placed her other hand on the other side of his face and looked into his eyes.

"Don't leave me,"

"Not planning to Foster," He said as he placed a small kiss on her lips.

Sophie melted as she kissed him back.

She  pulled away and traced his face,ran her hands through his silky soft hair and launched herself onto him,hugging him tightly.

"I missed you so much,"He said against her neck,his hot breath sending shivers through her.

"I love you,"

Sophie felt Keefe freeze.

She placed her forehead against his.

"It was bottled up in me for 4 years,"

"Well,Foster I love you too,"He said planting a kiss on her forehead.

"You are not gonna leave me right?"

"Nope,I am gonna be here,with you always,"

Keefe told her about how he moved to her town and how much he had missed her all these years. Sophie watched the flutter of his eyelashes. Listened to the depth of his voice. Watched his Adam's apple bob up and down as he spoke. She felt the warmth of his hand as she sat in his lap, listening to his stories, engulfed by the warmth of his body.

Her mind drifted to the blanket as she smiled.

Now that her Keefe was here, who needed that blanket anyways.

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