EL fudges

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Sophie tip toed up the stairs, her ears listening for even the slightest of a whisper. She stopped in front of the door, pressing her ear against the mahogany. She could hear a faint bang as she rolled her eyes.

They were doing it again when she told them not to about a thousand times.

The door was covered with his scribbles, the hinges a little loose after something he did that Sophie would rather forget. Drawings of havenfield, Silveny ,Ro and something that looked a lot like Fitz. He was seen with an angry glare, smoke coming out of from his ears. She could see traces of sparkly pink gloo on the edge of the paper and she stifled her laughter. This was from when he had pranked Fitz for saying that his hair was better than  his.

He was just like his dad.

Sophie pushed the door open and gasped. The room was covered in soot from head to toe, making her cough.


Her 5 year old son came running with his arms open as Sophie swooped him into a hug, her heart swelling with warmth. She plopped a kiss on his nose as she set him down.

" What happened here, Kenric?" She asked as she placed her arms on her hips.

He gave her his adorable gap toothed smile. " Daddy was teachwing me how to set off dungbowmbs and somethwing went wrong,"

Sophie glared at him. " Did'nt I tell you both to not set anything off inside the house?''

Kenric hugged her leg, his face buried in her tunic. " I am sowwy," 

She knelt down to him and took his chin, forcing their identical doe eyes to meet. 

" Its ok honey I forgive you. Now let's go smack your dad for nearly killing you for the 12th time,"

She got up and held his hand, dusting the soot off herself.

They walked into the room.

Arms wrapped around her waist ,lifting her off the ground.


She could feel his smirk practically radiating as he twirled her around, holding her flush to his chest. Kenric jumped up and down laughing.

Keefe leaned down and whispered into her ear. "Common Soph, nearly dying is a Team Foster-Keefe tradition. It's about time our son gets into it too,"

Sophie smacked him away, carrying Kenric and placed him on her hips.

" Our son is 5 years old and he has been wrestled by hyperactive alicorns, fallen into the lake and got attacked by Iggy and now he is standing with his father, covered in soot, bedroom in ashes. All in the span of a month,"

Keefe laughed taking Kenric from her.

" First of all he wanted to pet Wynn. Not my fault Sparkle Tooshie became aggressive. Second of all I was teaching him temperature control and how to swim. But mostly track mud into the house and make you mad. Because your adorable when your mad. Thirdly Ro and I were teaching him to dye Iggy and leave subliminal messages, in hopes that Kenric won't be as oblivious as his mom. He yanked on his fur so it was bound to happen."

Sophie rolled her eyes while suppressing her smile. Keefe rambling on and on about how Kenric is actually learning but Sophie's genes causes him to have alot of brushes with death was so adorable. 

" Okay okay I get it. But I hate coming back home in the anxiousness that I am going to find my husband and son stuck in a pit of green gloop or getting maimed by an  animal,"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2021 ⏰

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