Chapter Ten

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The next day, Scorpius tried his best to make jokes of the night previously.

"Quit talking about it," Rose whipped around, acting quite a bit like her mum, "Lily still feels bad and we don't need to make her feel worse."

Lily looked over her shoulder at them. She knew they were talking about her mistake. It took all she had to not yell at them to shut up about it. It wasn't her fault, really; depression got the better of her and it felt as though the dementor was drawing her in. She she shut her eyes to fight back tears and kept walking.

Rose and Scorpius were still arguing in hushed tones when Scorpius looked up and saw Lily walking away. He nudged Rose, "Come on," he grabbed Rose's arm and tried pulling her with him, but she fought back.

"First, you go and make Lily upset, and then you try treating me like a pupp-" Rose stopped mid-sentence when she turned around and saw Lily head-down, walking away, "Crap."

Rose grabbed Scorpius' arm and they ran to catch up with Lily.

"Lily," Rose said out of breath, "What are you doing?"

"Going to class," Lily replied quietly.

"No," Rose stopped her, "You're getting depressive again. Come on, Lil. We're finally at Hogwarts; just like you wanted, right?"

Lily nodded.

"Come on, then. Cheer up." Scorpius pushed the corners of her mouth up, forcing her to smile.

Lily blushed and looked down, "We have to get to class."

"Lily's right," Rose huffed, "I don't want to fail."

"You're not going to fail because you're late," Scorpius commented.

"It's just as bad," Rose stormed off.

"Just like Aunt Hermione," Lily laughed.

Scorpius looked at her and smiled.

"What?" She asked

"You smiled."


"I haven't seen you do that in a while."

Lily looked at the ground. She hadn't smiled since she met Severus, and that made her feel bad. She really was shutting everyone out and getting depressive again.

Lily looked up and Scorpius, "Where's Severus?"

"I'm not sure," he looked around, "Why?"

"We should tell Headmistress McGonagall about it."

"I don't know, I mean-" Scorpius' voice trailed off.

"She knew him before the Battle of Hogwarts."


"She'd know him personally," Lily looked down, "She and Hagrid should know he's here."

Scorpius nodded and took Lily's hand, "Let's go tell Hagrid first. He knew our parents, he'd know what to do."

I know it's short, and I'm sorry. But at least I finally updated....


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