Chapter Thirty-One

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A silent, unsettling feeling crept over Lily every time Alex was in the room with her. Despite her entire body telling her to run or fight her, she stayed docile. She wanted to keep her promise to Rose. Rose meant everything to her. The months that the two of them didn't speak seemed like years. She hated every moment of feeling isolated like that. Although she had other friends within the school's walls, Lily couldn't replace having the feeling of having someone who had always been there. Friends made in the short time they had been at Hogwarts could never compare to someone who was supposed to be a built-in best friend. 

Lily spent the spring mornings faking smiles and laughs with Rose and Alex as they walked to breakfast every morning. Alex's laugh sent chills down her spine and gave her goosebumps. She didn't like the feeling that came over her whenever they were in the same room together, even if it was ten feet apart. Rose, however, didn't seem to notice the tension in the room. Or maybe she did but always tried bringing a bright light in with her to relieve it. Maybe all she wanted was for the two people she loved to at least be civil to each other.

Usually, Lily would find any kind of excuse from homework to having to go to the restroom to escape from being in the same room as Alex. She got an almost physical pain being around her. A pain that would generate from her stomach and radiate through her entire body. It was more than just a "bad feeling." Something wasn't right about Alex. 

How could Alex's "best friend" not know she was a witch? It seemed so illogical. Best friends would tell each other everything even surrounded by muggles, right? Why did nothing about her house ever tip Rose off? Was it possible that Alex wasn't a witch at all? But then, how could she have gotten into Hogwarts and have been sorted if she wasn't? 

Lily had to shrug all of these thoughts off when she was with Rose. She could tell if something was wrong with Lily. Putting aside her inner thoughts and feelings felt like a betrayal to who she really was. It made her feel out of place in a way that not even being with the one person who knew her best at Hogwarts could fix. It was a psychological betrayal like trying to be someone who was inherently a fast, sharp, free person to allow themselves to slow their pace and speech, diffuse their focus to allow themselves to take in little detail on all things, and to bind themselves to a rigid schedule and rigid breaths. It felt wrong. It felt as though she could burst into tears at any moment. It wasn't her to ignore her instincts. 

She and Scorpius began to mend their relationship despite seeing him kiss the one person on the face of the planet that she wished to never be associated with. Scorpius was just someone Lily felt like she needed to be in her life. She didn't know why; all she knew was he and Rose were two extremely important people in her life. She began this journey of finding out who she was as a witch with them and wanted to begin her second year with them. That was one instinct she refused to fight. They were part of her destiny, and part of her, deep down, knew it.

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