Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Because Wattpad is taking preventative measures to make sure there is no more content stealing (PRAISE BECAUSE IT HONESTLY SUCKS ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU WRITE SOMETHING AND SOMEONE STEALS IT AND THEIR COPY BECOMES MORE POPULAR. LOL IT SUCKS) they won't let me copy && paste the weird star, circle-y thing that looks a little like a magic animation for the title. So that sucks, too. Now I have to go back and just make the titles uniform and not decorative at all or less decorative. 
Also, I know I absolutely suck at updating. It's a problem. I'm going to try and binge-update, but I make no promises. I will try and start slow by trying to update at least once a month. I know it won't be much, but MUCH faster than the habit I have now. 

And I do realize this chapter is short, but I really am trying to come up with words to write, but they just aren't flowing quite yet. I know what I want to happen. I know how I want it to end. My problem is gettting there.

Okay, okay. Now please enjoy this chapter. Shoutout to @Lilypottergreatness for commenting on the last part and making me realize it has actually been too long xD



The tensions between Lily, Rose, and Scorpius. They passed each other in the halls and saw each other between and during classes. 

A kind of petty anger tinged with slight jealousy ran through every inch of Rose's veins. The words Scorpius chose to say just to hurt her only made her irate. She wanted nothing more than to put a hex on him. 

Through Lily's veins, however, was only an icy sadness. The sorrow of losing her first real friend at the one place she felt she belonged hurt her more than she would have imagined. If she even had dared to imagine losing a friend as close as he was. Or as close she thought he was.

The only thing running through Scorpius' veins was apparent freedom. He walked around Hogwarts hand and hand with Alex. He seemed happy and at peace with what happened. 

In the dining hall, Lily and Rose sat together as far away from Scorpius as they could. They attempted to make new friends. They attempted to replace Scorpius and his humour and his friendship. No one was quite like him.

The silence between them killed Lily. All she wanted was to be friends with him again. Nothing else would have made her happier. At this point, she didn't even really care that he was hanging out with Alex. She couldn't have cared less. 

He could date whoever he wanted. It wasn't her business. What was her business was his saying she meant nothing, his calling her and Rose "the wrong sort." Nothing he was saying in those last days of their friendship was okay. His actions were so different than the way he was when they first met. He was so determined to be happy the way he wanted to be happy. Lily wanted that Scorpius back; Lily wanted the Scorpius that would have told his father to shove off so that he could be happy in his friendship.

At the end of every day, Lily sat on her bed and pulled the book she grabbed the last time she and Scorpius had actually talked to each other out from under her pillow. She had started reading it. She waited until late at night so no one would see her. She knew she would be reprimanded for it. After all, books from the restricted section were forbidden. Especially if it was taken without a professor's permission—even if it was taken by accident.

Because of the loss of her one friend she made herself—much less her first best friend—made her feel an icy sadness, she wanted to spend her time reading that book. She did her schoolwork, but what she really wanted was to take in every word and practice every spell written in its' thick paper bound in leather. It felt like it drew her to it. It felt like she was drawn to it every night and couldn't resist it.

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