Chapter Thirteen

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Later that night, Lily and Rose were sitting in the Ravenclaw commons when Scorpius came down the stairs in bright blue pajamas with multicolored stars and ducks.

Lily covered her mouth to keep from laughing, "I don't mean to be rude, Scorpius,"

"But what are you wearing," Rose busted out laughing and Lily did too making Scorpius' face glow a bright, vivid red.

"I promised my mum I'd wear this for her on the first night we're here," he answered looking down.

"Too bad we're not in a muggle school, then she wouldn't have to know and you wouldn't have to wear that," Rose commented rolling her eyes.

"I dunno," Lily said managing a straight face, "It's not that bad."

"Yes it is," Scorpius said eyeing one of the sleeves, "I feel like a child."

Rose looked at him still laughing, "How many children have you seen wearing rainbows?"

Lily started laughing again and opened her mouth to say something when someone cleared their throat behind them. It was a deep voice, one they couldn't quite put a face to.

They all turned around to see Severus floating in the doorway and he motioned for them to follow him.

Lily and Rose shrugged but Scorpius lagged behind a little before stopping, "Wait," he asked, "Can't I change first? Just real quick?"

Lily laughed a little and grabbed his arm, "Nope, come on, Mummy's boy."

"Lily," he pleaded, "Please, I don't want people seeing me in this."

She looked at to Snape and back to him and started dragging him with, "So, Rose, Severus and I arent people?"

Scorpius groaned and finally complied to following Snape.

After a while of walking, Snape reached a door that he floated through and Rose opened it.

"Lily," Snape said, "This is rightfully yours. I knew you'd tell and share it with the other two so it proved easier to give it to you now when they can see for themselves."

"What is it," Lily asked and Rose unfolded a thin wrapping and busted out laughing.

"It's worse than Scorpius' pajamas," she said starting to tear up from laughing so hard.

Lily winced, "Really," she asked Snape when she saw it.

"Put it on," he said impatiently.

Lily sighed and put it on and Rose's eyes widened, "Suddenly, it doesn't natter what it looks like. And neither do you."

"What-" Lily looked down to see the parts of her body covered by the cloak to be invisible.

"Can I use that going back," Scorpius asked her pleadingly.

Lily laughed and threw the cloak at him and he immediately started wrapping it around himself to walk back.

"Hold on," Lily said, "Is there anyone who can tell if we're there if we're using it."

Snape was silent before quietly saying, "Dumbledore could've."

Rose looked to Lily who looked to Scorpius who was staring at Snape. After all the stories of how terribly strict and mean Professor Severus Snape was, they'd found his weakest spot to be in the man he killed. The man who asked Severus to kill him. Albus Dumbledore.

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