Chapter Twenty-Three

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Rose threw her arms up in the air, "You're ridiculous, you know that?"

"I'm ridiculous," Lily spat back at her, "You were the one who promised to not let anything or anyone come between us like Alexandria did before."

"Well, maybe if you weren't so judgmental people would be more open to talking to you. Have you ever considered that?"

"Have you ever considered that you will always stand up for them?"


"Your 'friends.' The ones who laughed at me for being a bit different. I don't think you get it, Rose."

"Then explain it to me. Tell me how I'm so wrong for believing that my closest friend hasn't been that mean to you."

"As of right now, my only real friend is Scorpius. You were never really there for me."

Rose took a step back like she'd been physically attacked, "I have always been there for you," her voice was close to a whisper.

"Name one time," Lily lowered her voice, but the chill was still there, "Tell me one specific time where you were there for me."

"I-I can't think of one right now, but-"

Lily scoffed, "Oh, I'm sure." Her voice raised a little.

Alex listened to Rose and Lily's argument for a little while longer before heading off to the Great Hall. Their voices got louder and louder until they were fairly audible quite a ways away from the room. The words Death Eater echoed in her mind. Ever since she arrived at Hogwarts, she hadn't even thought of Death Eaters once. Alex's thoughts drowned out the sound of voices laughing and talking echoing in the halls around her. She watched the pattern of her feet hitting the ground until she was hypnotized by it. A hand landed on her shoulder making her jump.

A smile spread across her lips when she registered who she was looking at. Alex looked back to the hall and made no attempt to hide her smile, "Well, hello." She made her voice sound like the cool touch of marble, "I'm surprised to see you here."


Alex looked back up and smirked, "You know perfectly well that Lily doesn't like me."

"She might not like you, but that doesn't mean I can't like you."

"Well," Alex paused, "don't you think she'll be upset with you?"

"She doesn't control my life, Alex."

"She definitely acts like she wants to."

"Well, she doesn't."

"Does she know that?"

After a silence Alex nodded, "Exactly."

They walked in silence until they reached the Great Hall's open doors. Alex chuckled a bit to herself before stepping to the side and holding her arm up in a welcoming gesture, "Ladies first, Scorpius."

He narrowed his eyes, but kept smiling. He did a small curtsy before walking in ahead of Alex. They said their farewells and walked to their house tables. Scorpius sat down with a couple of lads he knew relatively well, but his mind was locked on Alex.

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