Chapter Twenty-Nine

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The morning sun blinded Lily as it shone through the window. She sat up and looked around at an empty dormitory. Sleepily rubbing her eyes, she racked her brain for what day it was. Then she questioned why she didn't hear anyone getting up or hustling. She glanced over at Rose's bed. It was perfectly made.

She unsteadily stood up and looked at the clock across the room. 10 o'clock. She'd overslept. Majorly.

Muttering to herself, she quickly got dressed and stumbled down the stairs to head to her class. She rushed around the Commons Room double-checking she hadn't forgotten anything. 

She composed herself as she walked out of the dormitory door. She got wrapped up in her own mind deciding on a story to keep out of trouble. This is the absolute last thing she needed right now. 

"Well, well," a smug voice called out down the hallway, "look who's overslept."

Lily looked up to see Alex. Her heart dropped. 

"What do you want?" 

Alex smirked and walked closer, "Oh, nothing. I just wanted to make sure you got to class alright seeing as you couldn't be bothered to show up."

Lily rolled her eyes and tried pushing past her, "The only thing you're good for is getting me in more trouble right now. Leave me alone."

"Fine," Alex paused glancing Lily up and down, "for now. I'll see you soon, little troublemaker."

Something in Lily felt sick. She never got a good feeling from Alex's presence. It was like a little black cloud of misfortune followed her wherever she went, and Lily wanted nothing to do with her. Just the thought of her face made her heart constrict in anger and made her want to gag. 

Her legs suddenly felt weaker as she walked to her class. Turning to look behind her, she saw nothing. Alex wasn't even in the hallway anymore.

Lily swallowed a lump in her throat and kept trudging on. Something wasn't sitting right with her. Deep down, she felt something bad coming.

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