Chapter Twenty-Eight

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The familiar sound of the leather cover opening pleased Lily's ears. She didn't care much about the curious spells written inside or the other twisted stories scattered around the school and the Restricted Section of the library. That's not what caught her attention. 

It was the letters on the old parchment.  It was the parchment that was worn and torn and slightly burned in some spots. It was the feeling of importance, the feeling of being truly unique. This book Lily held in her hands every night was old; it was something she was not supposed to be holding and peering at in the moonlight.

Lily's interest never lied in trouble. She never had any interest in the things that would get her expelled. Her interests never lied in what would cause anybody, even herself, any harm. Even as she held a book forbidden to her First-Year eyes. She wasn't even sure why the school would keep a book on this.

I suppose it would be helpful for people truly interested in the defense against dark arts classes, she traced the worn, ink words with her index finger as she thought, but even then, this book could be incredibly dangerous.

She breathed in the scent of the old pages. She slowly shut it listening to the crack of the leather. The moonlight cast a dim shadow over the indented letters on the leather cover which gave the book a little bit more mystery. She wondered how old this book was. She wondered how long it sat in dust unappreciated; the thought of this book being harmed, much less obviously burned, disturbed her in ways she couldn't describe.  Her finger curled with the bottom of the large "S" on the cover.

Lily heard someone shifting in their bed, making it creak. She hurriedly shoved the book under the covers and lay down. Sitting in silence waiting to make sure the coast was clear, Lily's mind started questioning why this book was happened to be in the same spot she always left her potion's notebook. It was almost second nature when she snatched it up. It couldn't have been a coincidence. 

Maybe it was Scorpius who put it there, she breathed steadily and kept her eyes shut to pretend to be sleeping, or maybe someone left it for him.

She quickly disputed her own thoughts. He probably had no idea about this book's existence. What would even compel him to sneak into the Restricted Section just to swipe this book and leave it in her potion's notebook usual home? 

After she was sure no one was awake and she was safe to indulge in the book's words, Lily sat up and slipped the book out of its hiding spot. A guilty pit started to form in her stomach, but what could she do about it? Returning the book would not make her safe; it would actually make her appear to be more guilty than she was. Putting it back wasn't safe. If someone saw, they could easily report her. Going out during night hours was extremely risky. 

She gazed at the book's cover once more. She traced the letters once again, feeling the leather's absence.  

"Secrets of the Darkest Art," she mumbled to herself, "Sounds like something that really should be hidden away."

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