Chapter Fifteen

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Rose sat up in bed and looked around. It was still dark out and classes don't start until eight. She sighed and laid back down and tried to go to sleep. Just as she started to drift off to sleep, she heard Lily shift under the covers.

Rose rolled onto her side and looked over at her cousin, unsure if she was sleeping or wide awake. Rose desperately wanted to ask her if she was awake but didn't want to risk waking her up at the same time.

Not long after she decided to not ask and lay there alone in the darkness with just her thoughts, she heard the sound of the sheets moving and the soft sound of feet hitting the wood flooring.

Rose strained to listen as Lily tried to be quiet. Lily didn't want for Rose to find out that she and Scorpius had met earlier that night in the common room not long after Rose fell asleep; Rose wouldn't have approved of her seeing him, not even as friends. Lily sought Rose's approval as Rose did her parents, her aunt, and uncle's approval.

Lily, still in her pajamas, snuck quickly and quietly down the stairs to the Ravenclaw common room and Rose followed her, lagging behind enough to see her but not enough to block her field of vision.

Lily saw Scorpius reach the bottom of the opposite stairwell when she reached the bottom of the stairs she was descending. She immediately broke into a smile when she saw him, and he did the same.

"Hey," he said softly, his voice slightly cracking.

"Hey," Lily replied quietly, gently and quickly fixing her hair without thinking about it.

They both stood there for a minute, just smiling and looking at each other. Lily broke the eye contact first.

"Uh," she paused, "Let's finish the potion, okay?"

Scorpius, still smiling, agreed and walked over to the cauldron they left on the fire.

"Okay," Scorpius said eyeing the potion, "What do we do now?"

Lily reached for a potion book left on top of the hearth and flipped open to the page that read Cure For Boils and went to where they left off, "Now we put in two porcupine quills," she paused and wait for him to drop the two quills in and continued, "Now wave your wand and....done!"

Scorpius waved his wand and the potion glowed a different colour and the two were satisfied and Rose was satisfied that she had nothing bad to report to her parents or to her aunt and uncle.

"Alright," Scorpius said, "Now all we do is go back to sleep and wait for potions class to turn it in for extra points."

Rose tried to back up the stairs slowly and quietly before Lily or Scorpius, maybe both, noticed her standing there, watching them.

On second thought, Rose thought, why am I watching them? What am I worried about?

Rose was about to turn around, but lost her footing and fell down the few stairs she'd climbed and slid right into Scorpius and Lily's view.

Lily's attention quickly transferred from Scorpius to Rose and her expression went from a happy, cheery smile to a scowl directed at her cousin.

"What are you doing," Lily asked sharply, yet quietly.

"I- I was just-" Rose stuttered.

"Spying on me? You don't trust me, do you?"

"I never said that."

"You didn't have to," Lily left Scorpius, who was standing by the boy's dormitory stairwell quite awkwardly, walked over to Rose who was still on the floor, "You haven't taken your eyes off me since the Dementor incident."

"Lily..." Rose went quiet.

Lily just shook her head, "Don't."

Rose sat on the floor speechless as Lily turns around and bid Scorpius a good night before heading back to the girls dormitories.

"Scorpius, I-" Rose tried to explain.

"I can't believe you," he said disbelievingly, "I'm nothing like my father. Nothing at all, yet you don't trust me." He took a pause and watched as Rose got off the ground, "Or is it Lily that you don't trust?"

"I trust you both," Rose said quietly.

"If you trusted us, you wouldn't spy on us," he narrowed his eyes, "How do you expect her to believe that you trust her?"

"She should just trust me," Rose crossed her arms.

"Just trust you?! Bloody hell, Rose. You don't trust anyone, but you expect us to trust you?!"

Rose let her eyes lose contact and fall to the floor.

"I wouldn't be surprised if Lily never talks to you again."

Scorpius went up the stairwell, leaving Rose by herself in the common room with a blazing fire and a ton of guilt. She fought back tears and slowly climbed the stairwell leading to the girl's dormitory.

When she walked in, she walked past Lily, who turned away from her, and laid down in silence.

Before going to bed to sleep for maybe another two hours, Rose turned over to face her cousin's bed.

"I'm sorry, Lily," she attempted an apology, but got not a murmur of forgiveness.

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