Chapter Eighteen

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Lily froze and closed her eyes as if it would make the voice's owner go away. She knew exactly who it was; she knew who was standing behind her, but she couldn't bring herself to turn around.

Is the whole world against me, Lily thought, Why is she here? Surely she isn't a she?

She heard a faint footstep come closer to her still body, "Lily? Lily Potter? Is that you?"

Lily shut her eyes tight and took a deep breath before turning to face the one person she hoped she'd never see again as long as either of them lived. Lily stood with an obviously fake smile plastered on her face and looked straight into a the eyes of the girl who stood slightly above her.

"Who would've guessed," Lily muttered, "That you'd stand above me. Like always."

"Excuse me," she raised an eyebrow at Lily, but Lily just shook her head.

"Nothing. What are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same."

Lily rolled her eyes, "Listen, Alexandria, I really-"



"I go by Alex now."

"Okay, 'Alex', like I was saying. I really didn't expect you to be here, and I don't really care about your life story or anything. I just want you to leave me alone."

Alex eyed Lily, "You're a Ravenclaw, huh? I wouldn't hang with the likes of you anyways. I'm a Gryffindor, and unlike you, I could make your parents proud of me."

Lily's eyes emitted a flash of hurt before they turned hard and cold, "Leave me alone for once Alexandra."

"Excuse me," Alex retorted.

"You heard me," Lily pushed past her and headed up the stairs, "Leave me alone. We can use magic here. Don't you forget that."

Lily stormed up the stairs and Alex stormed down them and into the Dining Hall and walked straight up to Rose with a mischievous smile.

"Guess who," Alex whispered in Rose's ear.

Rose turned to see Alex and immediately stood up to hug her, "It's been too long, Alex."

Alex nodded and hugged Rose, "Too long for friends as close us."

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