Chapter Nineteen

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The next morning as Lily was getting dressed, Rose kept talking about Alex. She talked about "how long it's been" and kept imagining all the things they could do "as best friends in both worlds." Rose seemed sucked into Alex's little fantasy world, and Lily was already sick of it.

"Rose," Lily interrupted.

Rose turned to face her, "Yeah?"

"Can we not let this be like last time?"

Rose crossed her arms, "What do you mean by 'like last time'?"

"Just that I don't want you to let Alexandria tell me what to do like I'm a baby."

"You are younger than us. What's the big deal?"

"'What's the big deal,'" Lily stood up, getting defensive, "You both used to treat me like a baby, Rose! I'm a few weeks younger than you are, not a few years."

"Grow up, Lily. Just because I don't want to spend all my life with my cousin doesn't mean I treat you like a baby, but maybe I should. You're definitely acting like one."

Lily was hurt and had a rising anger building inside her. She wanted to say so many nasty things to Rose all at once that her mind was a tangle of hate and violence.

"What? Does the baby not know what to say?"

"You're ridiculous, you know? I don't know why I put up with you." Lily stormed out of the room leaving Rose feeling slightly bad.

She straightened her posture before walking to the Great Hall to eat breakfast alone again. On her way, she kept thinking, Lily is just overreacting; I don't treat her like a baby that much. She walked into the Great Hall and immediately saw Lily ranting to Scorpius who was clearly more into the food on his plate and in his mouth.

After glancing around a bit, she saw Alex. Her first reaction was to run over and hug her, but then she noticed the table she was at. Slytherin. Her happiness morphed itself into fear, but not of the Slytherin house. She was scared that maybe she'd be alone at breakfast everyday for the rest of her days of education.

Rose took a deep breath and sat in between Lorcan and Lysander Scamander, but kept subconsciously glancing at Lily a bit down the table. She occasionally wondered what her and Scorpius were talking about when she could tell Lily stopped ranting, and some times when the buzz of conversation died down a bit, she could catch Lily talking about unicorn's blood or Flitterbloom or something of the sort.

After a while of straining to try and listen in, Rose finally gave up and forced her mind to be filled with the idea of actually eating instead of sitting in front her food like a statue. She grabbed her fork and tried to eat a simple plate of eggs, but she didn't feel very hungry. She put her fork back down and looked up to see a small group of people looking at her.

"Well," one girl whose name she knew she knew but couldn't recall.

"Oh, uh," she answered on a whim, "Yeah, I guess." Rose hoped they'd all be satisfied with her answer, but they weren't. They looked shocked and confused, not satisfied.

"Why," another girl asked.

"Why what?"

An older guy, maybe a third year student, glared at the rest of the small group, "Guys, if you didn't want an honest answer, you shouldn't have asked. She's entitled to an opinion; besides, I'm sure she's got a reason."

Rose heard a slight laugh behind her and turned around to see Alex standing there. She grabbed Rose's arm and gestured for her to follow her. Obediently, Rose stood up and followed her.

"You know you just said you guess that it was your uncle's fault that Hogwarts was attacked, right?"

Rose's eyes widened and she glanced back, "Wait, what?"

Alex nodded and laughed again, "Come on. It's funny."

"Yeah," Rose laughed it off, "Funny."

They walked out of the Great Hall arms locked at the elbow and laughing, enjoying life; for Lily, seeing that was like someone just ended hers.
next one in a timely manner.

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