Chapter Fourteen

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When the trio got back to the Common's Room, Scorpius stuck his head out from underneath the cloak, glanced around, and slowly took it off.

When Lily grabbed it, she looked at it, "An invisibility cloak?"

"They're really rare," Rose said, beaming with knowledge, "Mum used to tell me a story about the Deathly Hallows. Though dad would always interrupt her when she said 'twilight'."

Lily gently folded the cloak and placed it on her lap, "Yeah, I heard the story too. Dad says he got rid of the Elder wand after he killed Voldemort." She paused and looked down at the folded cloak covered in strange designs, "I'd always pictured it to be....thicker. It's really thin. It seems like it'd be so easy to just rip it."

Rose watched as Lily slid her hand in and out of the folds of the cloak, "I imagined it to be coarser, but, judging by the way your hand slides easily against the fabric, it must be softer." Tilting her head, she added, "I wonder what kind of cloth it's made of."

Snape, who was leaning against the fireplace, said, "No matter what cloth, what spell, or what curse is twined in that cloak, you can't let it be taken from you and you can't expect to show everyone without having conflicts. Keep it hidden, and keep it, period." Within seconds, Snape was gone and Lily, Rose, and Scorpius were left wondering what to do with the cloak.

"We could go into the Forbidden Forest," Scorpius suggested.

"No," exclaimed Rose, "Are you insane? You saw that dementor, didn't you? It was intense and it was murderous. Worst of all, it was in the castle walls."

"It won't be that bad. Tell her, Lily."

"Rose," Lily paused, "Not that you're wrong, it's just, well, we've got something to hide us. To protect us. Plus, Scorpius protected us in the first place."

Rose stood up, "Fine. Get yourselves killed out there, it's really not my problem." She crossed her arms and looked at them.

"Maybe another day when someone," Scorpius said glancing at Rose, "Gets her attitude in check."

Lily started laughing, "Oh be nice, Scorpius."

"As soon as she does, I will," he stubbornly replied.

Lily looked at the two glaring at each other and grabbed Rose's arm, "Come on," she sighed, "Let's get some sleep."

Scorpius neared the door to the boy's dorms, "Yeah, sounds like a good idea. Besides, maybe Rose won't be as grumpy when she has herself a little nap."

Rose shot a glare at Scorpius and Lily dragged her up the stairs, "He's just messing with you, dont take it so seriously." Lily said smiling.

Rose sighed and followed her cousin up the stairs in compliance.

"I don't know if I like him," Rose said as she settled in bed, "Or if I'm just trying to be friendly."

Lily stared out one of the windows nearest her bed, "I kind of like him. He's nicer than I would've thought Draco Malfoy's kid to be. You know, based on the things we've heard."

"Based on the things we've heard," Rose responded quickly, "Draco was a good-for-nothing Slytherin who hated mudbloods."

Lily sighed and rolled over to face Rose in the dark, "We dont know if that's true. And Scorpius doesn't seem like that."

"Well until we know what he's like, I advise you not get comfortable with him. You know how my mum and dad and your mum and dad will react."

"They don't need to make every one of our choices, Rose."

"I know that. Just don't get to close to him."

Lily sighed, "Whatever."

"I mean it, Lily. I will tell Uncle Harry and Aunt Ginny."

Lily waited for the sound of Rose shifting before turning back towards the window herself. 

"He's not bad," Lily whispered to herself before falling asleep.

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