Chapter 34 (Edited)

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There was nothing else that Colt had to explain to me, so after I had finished talking with them, they left me to rest.

And, that was what I had been doing for a week. I had been resting, talking to Carter or Colt, getting fatter, making more arrows as well as a new bow, and drawing a design for a new chicken coop. So, I kept myself pretty busy, while I was seething about not being able to get up and out of the bed.

"Are you sure that you are going to go against my mother's orders? She's pretty mean when you don't do what she had said," Carter said, watching me braid some string together for my bow as a just in case. He sat cross legged my bed, watching my hands as if he was trying to mesmerize what I was doing.

"I'm sure," I replied. I glanced up at him, raising an eyebrow. "You didn't tell anyone, now did you?"

Carter shook his head. "I didn't," he replied. "Matt isn't around, so why do you think I'm talking about it?"

Carter was under strict orders of to only be around me when his brother, Colt, or his mother was there. However, Carter was a smart and a very stupid boy and didn't do what he was told to do.

"Well, I'm basically following your example," I replied, smirking. "Aren't you supposed to be down here with another person?"

Carter scoffed and folded his arms around his chest. "You won't do anything to me." He paused and looked at me, uncertainty filling his being. "Would you?"

I didn't answer but raised my eyebrow higher and my smirk grew, making the young boy nervous.

"Umm.... I got to go." With that, he hopped off of the bed and ran off to wherever he needed to go, with my laugh following him.

I shook my head and grinned. "Oh, I love messing with that kid," I muttered under my breath before I finished up the bowstring and placing it in my bag. A small smile appeared on my face, and I was glad that I had found a friend like Carter.

I couldn't stay upset for long with him near me.

As I laid down to go to sleep, my heart clenched because I still wished that I could tell John what was happening to me and ask him his advice on certain things.


Five o'clock came early the next day, and I was up at that time. I kept my eyes closed, knowing that Ms. Kathy was going to check on me before she left for the morning. My breathing was leveled and my heart rate was slow, while I waited for her to come down.

Not a minute too soon did I hear the door that lead to the basement open up before it was closed shut.

Soft footsteps sounded on the stairs, while Ms. Kathy walked down. Her breathing was soft, as if she was trying to make sure that she didn't wake me, knowing that I was a light sleeper. Finally, after a while, she finally came down the stairs and started to make sure that I was all right before she went back up.

Not a word was spoken from her, and I seriously doubted that she believed that I was asleep. However, she didn't say a word, probably thinking that I would stay in bed like the good girl I was.

After a couple of minutes, I opened my eyes and sat up, wincing as my muscles were pulled together. I took a couple of deep breaths before I slung my legs over the bed and waited for the world to stop spinning.

After it had finished spinning, I stood, leaning against the bed while I regained my balance. Again, the world spun, but I didn't really care.

After another few minutes, I finally felt better and started to get myself ready for the day ahead. I knew that my body would protest about the amount of labor that I was going to be putting it through, but I could really care less.

All I knew was that I had to make sure that I fixed the damage that I had done and get ready to be meeting the herd.


I walked out of the house a couple of minutes later, dressed in the clothes that had been laid out for me. Most of them were huge on me, because they were Matt's clothes, much to mine and his dislike.

However, in the end, Ms. Kathy won over whatever happened, and I was stuck in his clothes until I could have time to sew up mine.

I shook my head, clearing my thoughts before I reached into my back pocket and pulled out the design that I had wanted to build for the chicken coop. A smile appeared on my face when I saw that the whole area was all ready cleared of the derby and that there was all ready tools and supplies ready for it.

"That makes my job easier," I muttered underneath my breath before I went to the area and started to set up the dimensions that I had wanted to build.

After about a couple of hours of hard work, I sensed that someone was behind me. I didn't say a word to them while I cut the piece of board that I was using to make the floor. All of the structure part was done, and I just had to make it so that everything was covered.

"You are not supposed to be out of bed," someone said behind me.

"Ya, well, I'm not supposed to do a lot of stuff, but I do it anyways," I replied, finishing cutting the board. I grabbed the piece of board and inspected it before I turned to look to see that it was Colt. "What do you want?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Kathy wanted me to come by and check on you," he replied. "It's 8 in the morning." He paused and cocked his head while I inspected the board further, making sure that everything was all the right way. "Does anyone know that you are up this early?"

"Not that you would know," I replied, wanting to save Carter's ass. "Now, are you just going to stand there, or will you actually help me put this together? I want to get it done before Ms. Kathy comes back to collect the eggs."

Colt frowned and studied me before I heard him sigh. "Fine," he muttered. "But only because I don't want her to blame me if you suffer any other injuries." I heard him grab some supplies, and I couldn't help but grin while he started to help me out.


A/N: Awww, I love Carter's and Martha's relationship. Don't you? xD Now, who likes Colt or do I need to go more indepth with him? Also, do you think that Ms. Kathy will be pissed when she finds out that Martha didn't stay in bed?

As always, don't forget to vote/comment



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