Chapter 28 (Edited)

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A/N: Another update for you. I'm awesome, I know. xD (Well, not really...)

Anyways, here ya go.


The water was cold, colder than it should be. The river was deep and the current was fast, dunking me a couple of times when I tried to breathe. I had to struggle to get some deep breaths while I started look for where the boy was, knowing that he was somewhere ahead of me.

Please let me save him, I prayed to any God that was out there, while I started to struggle swim in the direction the boy was. Well, I hoped that he was in that direction, and he didn't drown somewhere in the bottom of the river.

My clothes started to drag me down more into the river, while I tried to swim, wanting to get to him before he drowned or crash into some of the rocks that were jutting out of the river.

I grunted out in pain, while the current rammed me into a rock, bruising my shoulder. I dove down into the water, trying to see if that wouldn't help me avoid some of the current while I looked around.

Finally, I couldn't take it anymore and went back up to take a deep breath. That was when I saw the boy in front of me, face down in the water. I watched while his shirt started to disappear into the river and knew that my time was short.

With the rest of my strength, I took a deep breath before diving back into the water and pulling myself towards him. By the time I reached him, my lungs felt like they were on fire, because of the lack of oxygen.

Quickly, I grabbed hold of him and kicked us both out from under the water. I gasped for air before I started to swim towards the shore, fighting the current that seemed to go against me.

When I almost made it out of the river, something grabbed my leg and started to pull me back into the water. With a single push, I pushed the young boy out of the water, before whatever caught my leg dragged us both down.

I couldn't help but struggle, while I tried to get the thing off of my leg. I tried to get some air, but I couldn't even get my head above the water. If I did, then whatever had my leg pulled me down, so I got a mouthful of water, making me choke.

After a few minutes of struggling, my heart started to pound, as fear started to sink in. I still tried to struggle, but it was no use. I couldn't get whatever it was to let go of my leg, so I could get up.

My lungs were on fire, again, and I knew that I wouldn't be able to survive with no oxygen. I blinked, trying to stop darkness from taking over, but it did not work.

When I became airborne, I let darkness take over. I knew that I wouldn't make this out alive, so I just gave and waited for my death.


The first thing that I noticed when I came through, was pain everywhere. My lungs felt like they were burning, and my head felt like that it was filled with cotton.

I bit back a gasp of pain, while I struggled to sit. My eyes were still closed, but I knew that I had to get out of here, wherever here was. If that meant that I had to fight the pain, then I would do it.

"Stay down," a female said, pushing gently me back onto the bed. Her voice was soft, but I couldn't help but be tense while she did that.

I opened my eyes, quickly, to see that it the female from the porch. My body relaxed slightly, glad that it was someone that I had seen and not some random person.

The female was watching me, cautiously. She had brown eyes that looked rather dull, as if she had lost the spark to live. Her blonde hair was, also, dull, and it hung limply around her hollow face. There were bags underneath her eyes, probably because she hadn't been sleeping well.

"H-h-how'd I get here?" I asked, hoarsely. I coughed after I had said that, my throat dry and scratchy. My brain was still foggy, and I couldn't help but shake my head to clear it, even though it caused me pain, also.

"A friend of mine brought you here," she replied as she got up and started to get some water and a washcloth for me. "You were out for about 2 days, and the cuts had gotten infected from being out in the river. However, I cleaned them up and stiched them."

I tensed, slightly, not caring about my safety. My mind wandered to the boy, and I hoped that he was all right. Part of me was doubting that he would be safe, but I knew that I had to ask. "The boy?"

"Is safe. If you hadn't pulled him out when you did, then he'd be dead." Her voice cracked when she said that, but her face still had a blank look about it. The female looked over at me, where she was rising out a cloth.

I sighed in relief, glad that I had saved him from a sudden death.

The female came over to me and placed the cloth onto my head. "You're acting like a boy. Why?" She helped me up, and that was when I realized that I was not in the clothes that I had on.

I took the cup of water and smiled my thanks. I took a sip of water, wondering if I should trust her or not. After two sips of water, I knew that I could, so I was going to be completely honest with her. "Because, it's not safe to travel as a female." I replied. "And that is why I travel as a male."

"And you're being hunted," the female said, her eyes holding knowledge in them. Her look told me that she knew that I was the Almair and that I needed to do the second part of my training.

I just nodded my head, not knowing if I needed to answer that. I looked at the water she had given me, hoping and praying that she wouldn't ask me on why I was far from my pack.

"So, why are you all the way down here and not where your is?"

I winced, hating the fact that she had asked that. My heart seemed to pound in hurt, because I was feeling a small bit of homesickness. "My Alpha didn't want me to train. I fear that I'll be dead soon if I don't start training for the others." I looked down at the cup and cleared my throat, not telling her that I was actually banned from my pack.

She nodded her head. "I'll help you with that. I do owe you for saving the life of my son."

I shook my head, not wanting anyone to owe me anything. "It doesn't matter, Ma'am. I would've done it anyways."

She nodded her head, having a small smile on her face. "I'm Kathy," she said, finally. "Nice to meet you..." She raised an eyebrow, probably wondering what to call me.

"Mike," I replied, with a grin. "Nice to meet you, also, Mrs. Kathy."

"Ms. Kathy. My husband died and..." She trailed off, not knowing what to say. A look of pain flashed through her blank eyes before it left just as quick.

I frowned and nodded, again feeling that anger for not knowing about me sooner than later. "I'm sorry," I replied, bitterly. "I didn't know."

Ms. Kathy sighed and stood. "It's not your fault. At least you know now." She nodded her head, probably agreeing with herself about something. "I need to do chores. Stay here and heal."

I nodded my head. "Yes, Ma'am."

She smiled a little and left, while I laid back down and fell into a fitful sleep.


A/N: I think I'm gonna like Ms. Kathy. Who else thinks that?

Does anyone know what's going to happen next? (Remember, this is Martha we are talking about and what usually follows her?)

Good luck guessing.




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Peace out Fluffy Munchkins


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