Extra #4- I Miss Her- Julia's POV

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(After Martha left)

I sat in my little sister's room on the floor and stared at her bed. My ears were still ringing from her screams and pleas for someone to pay attention to her, to help her in her time of needs. I tried to clamp my hands over my ears, but I could still hear them.

I could've done something. I knew that I should've done something, but I didn't. I let her kick me upstairs, even though I was older than her. I let her tell me what to do, even though I knew that I could've, should've, disobeyed.

I wiped the tears from my eyes, only wanting to hurt Randi. She caused this feeling. She caused this feeling of guilt because she made Faolon see her way but not the right way. And, I let her. I let her lie to the face of our Alpha.

"Jules?" I heard my older brother ask. Worry filled his eyes when I looked up at him. Bags were underneath his eyes, and i knew that he was exhausted from trying to search for our sister. "Are you alright?"

I wiped my eyes and stood from the floor. "I- uh... I'm fine," I said, not wanting him to worry about me. "I-I.."

John gave me a knowing look and walked to the makeshift bed followed by Brody. He laid down and opened his arms to me. He didn't say a word, but I knew that he wanted me to come to him.

I gladly hugged him, closing my eyes as tears streamed down my face. "It's all my fault," I whispered. "It is," I insisted as John shook his head. "She wouldn't have been kicked out because I wanted to go out on a date with Malcom."

"If it wasn't Malcom, then it could've been with someone else," John said. "At least Martha trusts Malcom, even though she doesn't know that he is a Halfton."

I lifted my head from where I buried it on his chest and blinked, watching as he looked at me with an all knowing smirk. "Is it bad that I am in love with someone that isn't from the clan?"

John sighed and shook his head. "It is time for a change," he said, finally. He looked up at the ceiling, having this far away glance in his eyes. "We are all one and have been one before the Dark Forces had split us up. I have been told that there had been people in love with each other from different clans, and when we all split, the children, born from two people from different clans, had to hide."

"Where'd they go?" I asked. I was curious. I had never heard of a child from two different species before.

"They lived separately in a place that was sort of a utopia until the Dark Forces came and killed everyone. Some say that some of them had survived and were gifted with gift of magic, becoming the first known Wisters."

I furrowed my brow. I had never heard of Wisters before. I was curious about how he knew them, but I knew better than to ask. I knew that he wouldn't tell me from past experiences. "Wisters?" I asked.

John squeezed my shoulder. "Wisters are like Warlocks, Wizards, or Witches," he explained. "The only difference is that they can sometimes see the future and are more in tuned with nature. Also, they don't use wands, and some use staffs."

I nodded. "Do you think that they might be protecting Martha?" I asked, hoping that someone out there would help my baby sister.

John nodded. "I think so," he replied. "I think that they are trying to protect us, also, by trying to look like us."

I sighed and nodded, closing my eyes. I was tired and the fact that my brother was moving a hand up and down my back helped me relax. "I miss her," I whispered.

John kissed my forehead as I started to lose the battle against sleep. "I miss her, too," he whispered. "But I know that she is alive and will see us soon."

I smiled and let myself fall into sleep's grasp, praying that my sister would be safe.  

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