Chapter 31 (Edited)

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The Dark Forces looked at me, a murderous look in their eyes. There was a snarl on both of their faces as well as some chicken feces and feathers sticking in their hairs and on their clothing.

I smirked, seeing that they seemed to be really pissed with me, and I knew that they would leave the others alone. "Well?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. "Are we going to do this one on one, or are you both going to attack me at the same time?"

They both looked at each other and smirked. As if some force helped them, they both attacked me at the same time, going on different sides. I was sure that they were trying to make it difficult for me to know what was going to happen.

"Guess so," I muttered ducking under the first one's punch while tripping the second one. While I was still down, I swiped my leg underneath the first one, causing him to fall to the ground, before I got up.

They snarled and again attacked me at the same time. Fire burned in their eyes, and I knew that they would kill me if they got their hands on me.

I moved quickly, making sure that they couldn't get to me. I stood on the balls of my feet, ready to sprint away if possible. My eyes darted between them, wanting to see which one of them was more dangerous than the other one.

Both of them looked alike. They had the same muscular build as well as the black eyes and black hair. However, the one that had gotten his arm broken by Matt seemed to have a bit more muscle on him, so he was probably the one that I needed to worry about.

I shook my head and ducked out of the way, almost getting hit by one. What had surprised me was, I was actually close to the fence, so he kind of landed on it and broke it.

A grin appeared on my face, while I took another arrow from my quiver and shot it at him, killing him instantly, before he could even blink.

I couldn't help but yell out in pain as I was flung into a tree that had seemed to have appeared out of nowhere. I heard a crack, and I knew that the rest of my arrows were broken. Thankfully, nothing from my body was broken, even though I was sure I was going to get a bruise on my forehead.

"And, that is what I thought, Almair," the tougher looking one said. "You are just weak, and you are not worth my time." He smirked. "I've killed Almair's before, and I think that you will be the easiest one." With that, he lunged, not caring about anything else, except for attacking me.

I dodged him, making him fall into the tree. "Well, I wouldn't say the easiest one," I replied, taking my quiver off of my back and throwing it at him. "But, I would say easy." With that, I turned towards the woods and ran, wanting to get him as far from the place as possible.


My lungs started to hurt after I had run a few miles, and in that few miles, I was actually limping more than running. My gem had flared up, a few minutes after I had made it into the woods, and I felt that there were more than the one Dark Force that was chasing me.

"Give up, Almair," one of them said. "We'll make your death as quick and painless as possible."

"And- I- know- t-that is- a- lie," I replied, gasping for breath into each words. I glanced around, trying to see if I couldn't find a weapon or something that I could use against them. I had killed one with my knife, so I didn't have that on me anymore.

Finally, I saw a branch that looked as if it would help me block some of the Dark Forces, so as quick as I can, I darted over to it before I grabbed it, pulling it off of the tree.

When I reached a clearing, I finally turned around to face the oncoming crowd of Dark Forces. The stick was on my back while some was tucked underneath my arm. Sweat dribbled down my forehead, and I didn't bother to wipe it off, while I waited for them to show themselves.

I could feel the blood rush through my veins, causing my blood to start pumping faster. Adrenaline rushed through my body, and I felt as if I could take on the world, even though I was barely able to stand.

Finally, the Dark Forces came into view, and they flocked around me, making me in the middle of a circle. Everything started to smell worse, because it smelt as if they didn't even shower.

"Well, I see that you have stopped running," the one that had been chasing me said. He moved up front, and I could see the bloodlust in his eyes. A smirk was on his face, causing him to look more sinister than I first thought. "Are you giving up?"

"Not in a million years," I replied.

The male grinned, viciously. "Well, I see that you are more spirited than the other Almair's. Maybe that is why you have lasted longer. However, it wasn't long enough." With that, he signaled his group, and they all attacked me at once.

I hid an eyeroll and started to use the stick that I had as my only weapon against about eight of them.

Most of them had gotten hits on me, and I was starting to think that all of this was just going to end. I would be dead, and the Dark Forces would win.

A few minutes later, after the whole group attacked, someone had taken the stick out of my hand, and I was the ground, probably going to have a slow death. I couldn't help but scream and cry out in pain as they ripped through my body, and I knew that I didn't have anything that would stop them.

"Use your stone, Almair," a voice said, coming through the fog of my brain.

I looked around, trying to see through the shadows of the bodies, but  I couldn't find the source of the voice. "I don't know how," I whimpered, too much in pain to say anything.

"Don't think, just feel," the same voice replied. "Come on, I thought you were stronger than this. What about your family? Don't you want to go back to them?"

An image of John appeared into my brain, and I could sense the pride that he had felt when he saw that I was still alive, even after spending a week by myself. I could still see the smile on his face, even though his eyes held so much pain.

I kept that image in my brain, while I reached for the pouch and pulled out the stone. The Dark Forces didn't seem to notice it, and I had serious doubts that it would work. However, I was going to try it, for John. I owed him that much.

I closed my eyes, and I could feel myself drifting away from this world and into the darkness that would swallow me up. Please, I begged the stone, clutching it as if it was life itself. Help me stay alive, so I can help the groups and see my family on Christmas.

I didn't know what happened, but after I had made that silent plea, there was this blinding light followed by a lot of screeching, before the weight of the Dark Forces had left me.

After that, I didn't have any energy at all and fell into complete darkness, letting go of my stone.


A/N: Dun Dun Dunnnn. Cliffie. xD Anyways, how'd you like it? Do you think that Martha is still alive? What do you think will happen next? And, who do you think was that mysterious voice? Find out in upcoming chapters.

As always don't forget to vote and/or comment.

Peace out Fluffy Munchkins,


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