Chapter 15 (Edited)

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"So, how do you feel, and what had happened that made you miss a week of school?" Mr. Wilds asked, while I walked onto the bus, followed by Mia Carter and James Andrews, my two ex-best friends.

I groaned and sat down in my usual seat, and Mia sat down behind me. That surprised me, because she usually steered clear of me and sat down with James in the back. "Well, I was sick with the flu last week." I shrugged my shoulder. "When I got better on Saturday, Nick and I were rough-housing, because of something stupid that he had said about me. He had accidently hit me with a metal pole, breaking my left wrist and tearing some muscle from my shoulder. He hit that hard." I grimaced, rubbing my shoulder softly. "He also gave me a couple of good scratches, but they don't hurt as bad as my shoulder, nor my wrist."

Mr. Wilds looked at me through the mirror. His eyes held the meaning that he knew that I was lying to him. However, he probably knew that I couldn't tell the truth, because of the female behind me. He cleared his throat and looked back at the road. "So, are you hurting really bad?"

"Of course, I am," I replied, rolling my eyes, teasingly. "I wanted to come to school today because I had already missed a week."

Jason came running onto the bus. His brown eyes had a wild look in them, and his hair was messed up, probably from running his hand through it multiple times. He saw me on the bus and relief filled his eyes, probably glad that I was all right. He sat down beside me, panting. "H-how a-are y-y-you f-f-f-feeling?" he panted.

I shrugged my shoulder, frowning a little. "Sore, mostly."

"Well, that was a big fight with-"

"Nick. I know that, Jason." I shook my head and sighed. "I can't believe that he wanted to fight me after the flu I had. Gee, what a great brother he is." I rolled my eyes and laid my head on the seat in front of me.

Jason looked at me weirdly. He opened his mouth to say something but closed it. Again, he opened his mouth but nothing came out.

I glared at him, knowing what he was thinking. "It was with Nick, remember? You were there."

"Not with you battling with- Oof! Oh..." Realization dawned on him, because no one knew about Randi and such. "Ya, it was with Nick that you fought on Friday." He nodded his head. "Now, why are you going to school today? That was a really intense battle."

I rolled my eyes and shook my head. "Well, I wanted to go to school. I've already missed a week, and I do need my education."

"And, I know that you are lying, Martha," Mia said, breaking into whatever Jason was about to say.

I turned to look at her, wincing. My whole body grew tense, because I thought that she had seen me turn back into human form. However, she couldn't because I was in the woods when I did it. Could she? "And how do you know?"

"Well, you do lie. Duh."

I hid a sigh of relief with a cough, glad that I wasn't caught by her. That would've been a really bad thing. "Well, how do you know that I am lying, now? I might not be lying. I mean, I am beaten up, and I did miss a week of school."

Mia huffed and folded her arms across her chest. She glared at me before turning to look away. "I'll come by later today and ask your parents about both the flu and fighting. I'm sure that they won't lie to me."

"Well, you can do that. You will be wasting 5 seconds of your life, but that is your decision." I turned back in my seat and looked at Mr. Wilds, raising an eyebrow. "Can I use my phone and ask Mom if she can pick me up from school, please? I don't know if I can survive the bus ride back home." I rolled my eyes, annoyed, making Jason snort.

"Go ahead."

I took out my cellphone and sighed with relief, glad that he was going to let me do it.

Mom can you pick me up from school today, please?Mia is coming over today to ask you if I am lying about something. Tell her that I had the flu last week.Also, when I got better on Friday, Nick and I were rough housing. That is how my shoulder and wrist are hurting, because he hit me with a metal pole. ~Me

I sent the lie to my other siblings and Dad. I leaned back and sighed with relief, glad that was over with. I didn't have to worry about them saying anything differently, because they knew that it was to protect the pack.

"Are you really placing that?" Jason asked in a whisper. There was a frown on his face while he pushed his glasses up his nose. He cocked his head and looked at me, his brown eyes filled with curiosity and worry. He knew that I was lying, but that was because he was there for the battle. He, also, knew what was going on in the backyard, unlike some people.

"Well, I am still hurting from the battle with Nick, so yes, I am asking my mom to pick me up after school," I replied, giving him a 'shut up' look. "Or is there something that you want to say to me, Jason?" I narrowed my eyes, making me look more evil than I all ready looked.

Jason flinched and backed away from me, going to the edge of the seat. He knew what I was talking about, and he quickly shook his head. "No, no. I-I am good. Thanks for asking," he stuttered.

I smirked, glad that he knew better than saying anything about what was going on in the backyard. I shook my head and glanced down at my phone, seeing that I had a lot of text messages. I opened them up and saw that they were from my family, making me grin. Well, it's settled, I thought. She isn't going to get anything out of them.

Will do. ~John

Why can't I hit you with a pole? ~Mike

Why did you say that I hit you with a pole? ~Nick

Liar! ~Julie

Fine, I'll go along with what you are saying. ~Josh

No, I can't pick you up today. You will have to ride the bus. However, I'll play along what you are wanting to say. ~Mom

I'll play along. I'm glad that you came up with something and not tell Mia about what goes on in the backyard. ~Dad

You're crazy. ~Abigail

I agree with my twin, but I'll play along. ~Helen

I shook my head and sighed with relief, glad that I could get everyone to agree with me playing with Mia. I looked up and around before I looked back at my phone, going to type stuff to what they had to say.

Julie, I can't tell Mia the truth without telling her about you know what. And, I have to be there, because I just have to be there. So, that means lying. ~Me

Nick, you've beaten me with a wet noodle, so you can say that you had beaten me with a metal pole. You should be happy about that. ~Me

Abigail, I know what you are but what am I? Jk. ^-^ ~Me

Mike, you've been blamed for something. Never forget scar on chest. ~Me

I sighed and placed my phone in my bag, after I had answered the messages that needed to be answers. I leaned back in my seat and looked at Jason "Mike wanted to fight me. He wanted to beat me with a metal pole." I rolled my eyes.

"Who would've won that?"

"Probably me, but I might be out for a week."

"But, how would you win even though you got knocked out?" Mia asked, popping her head over the seat. She had been listening into the conversation, but I was sure that she didn't see me saying what I did.

"From my injuries, of course, but you wouldn't understand."

"That's what you think," she mumbled and sat down, leaving me alone, finally.

I didn't say anything to her. I just sighed and leaned my head against the window, wondering if I could find a way to befriend her again. I knew that I would have to tell her the truth, but that will have to be later.

The Year of the Horse (Book two of the Almair Series) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now