Chapter 30 (Edited)

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I took a deep breath at the top of the stairs, waiting for something to happen. My whole body was tense, and my heart was pounding while adrenaline started to rush through my body. My hands shook a little from nerves, but I knew that I was going to have to suck it up and get out there, even though it meant that I was going to be revealing myself to someone who thought they could live without me.

There was a loud Bang! as if something had been thrown at the wall, close to the door that lead down to the basement. A small groaned followed it, as if someone was in pain.

I couldn't help but flinch in surprise, but I took that opportunity to open the door, wide enough for me to see as well making sure that I wasn't seen by whomever was trying to get to me.

What I saw shocked me to no belief, and I wished that I hadn't brought them here, because of it.

Two Dark Forces stood behind a table, close to a counter that had a sink in the middle of it. One of the Dark Forces held a blade to Ms. Kathy's neck, and he was digging it into her neck, making the female bite her lip to stop herself from crying out. The other Dark Force seemed to be cradling his hand, and I was certain that Matt, the older male, had something to do with it.

Silently, I took my bow off of my back and took an arrow out of the quiver, my whole body tense. A snarl was on my face because I couldn't believe that they would attack innocent people, even though I knew that they were heartless S.O.B's.

"Well, Boy," the one holding Ms. Kathy said, glaring at him. "Where is the Almair? Do you want your mother to die and become an orphan?" He dug the blade into her neck, causing her to cry out in pain.

"Not tellin'," the boy replied, gasping for air. "You can go shoot yourself."

"But you don't like the Almair, now do you?"

"It's not about liking someone," he replied. "I would rather die than to see what would happen between us and the Almair. However, my mother cares about the Almair, and why would she be here? There's no one here."

I rolled my eyes and knocked the bow, before pulling it taunt. Of course he wouldn't like me, I thought, a scowl on my face. I took a deep breath and waited for the opportunity to shoot it at the male with the knife, wanting to take care of Ms. Kathy. I don't know why he would blame me for all this stuff.

The male dug the knife farther into her neck, causing her to whimper. "Tell me, where the Almiar is, Boy. I know that you know where she is." There was a growl in his voice, while he put more pressure on the blade, causing a small trickle of blood flow down her neck.

That did it. With a silent breath, I let go of the string and let the arrow fly through the air, hitting the Dark Force in the hand. A grin broke out over my face, while I saw him yelp in surprise and let go of the knife as well as Ms. Kathy, causing her to fall to the floor in a heap.

"Where are you, Almair?" the other Dark Force asked while he glanced around, probably knowing that I was the one who had shot the one with the knife. "Show yourself or are you a chicken?" There was a sneer in his voice, as if he knew that I would come out.

"You both are the chickens," I replied, my voice raspy from disuse. I cleared my throat while I opened the door to the basement and stepped out, closing it behind me with my foot. I had placed another arrow on my bow and had it aimed at the one that I had shot, feeling as if he was the leader out of them.

Fury filled my body, and it took all of my self-control not to kill them both at that moment. "Now, why don't you two be good chickens and leave this family alone?"

The first Dark Force laughed. "Ah, Almair," he said. "You think that you can face me-" He glanced me up and down, smirking. "-even though you look like you are about to fall down any second?"

He was right, I was about to fall over, but I wasn't going to let him know that. "Well," I replied. "Guess that won't happen." A smirk appeared on my face. "Now, enough chitchat. Shall we continue this outside like good people?"

The first one snorted. "Like hell." With that, he jumped over the table, causing me to scramble away. He growled out in pain when I had shot an arrow into his arm, before lunging at me again.

I ducked out of the way, getting a little close to the second one. An evil grin appeared on my face when I ducked underneath the second one and caused the first one to trip over me and having them both crash into the window and into the chicken coop. "Well, that's one way to clear house," I remarked, grabbing another arrow and shooting it at the first one's behind.

"I thought I told you to stay put," Ms. Kathy breathed out while I was about to jump out the window.

I turned to look at her, a smirk on my face. "I don't listen to reason." And with that, I jumped out of the window, ready to kill these things.


A/N: Another fight is about to happen. xD Who do you think will win? Hurt Martha or actually the Dark Forces? Better yet, who do you want to win? I ain't sayin that I'll follow what ya'll will say, but I want to see who actually likes the Dark Forces.

As always, don't forget to vote, comment, etc.

Peace out Fluffy Munchkins,


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