The Dead Zone Again

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I was in a town. I didn't know what town, just that there were so many people. Some of them I know. Dad? Could that really be him? But, he died two years ago.

"Dad!" He turned around, look of surprise on his face.

"Lela?" He asked.

"You're alive! But, I went to your funeral. How can you be alive?"

"I am not alive, Lela. You must be dead."

Then it hit me. I remembered everything. Me getting the milk, that girl in our driveway, her sword. Everything going black. He's right. I am dead.

He showed me around a bit. He explained that I was in the Dead Zone, and that I had to decide how I am going to get to Heaven or Hell. I asked if there was a way to get out of the Dead Zone, without going to Heaven or Hell. He said no, but the visitor center might help.

My dad showed me where the center was. It like the ones in the World of the Living. I walked in, and asked the lady at the front desk.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hello." A woman with straight black hair was standing behind a circular desk in the middle of the building. "How may I help you?" She asked.

I told her my name, and that I was killed by a girl. She typed on her computer, and looked up at me in shock.

"That girl came to me yesterday because she didn't know who she was. I said only demons don't know who they are, but I didn't think she was a demon because she didn't look like one. You see, demons are a dark red color, they have curly black horns, and they have red beads for eyes. I didn't think she could be one of them. I guess I was wrong. Did she tell you who she was?"

"She said her name was HellChild."

"That's what the Demon King calls the demons. Anything to do with "Hell" in the name is a demon. I'm so sorry."

"Is there a way to get out of here, and back to the World of the Living?"

It took a while for her to answer. Finally, she answered. "Yes." She said. "There is a way, but it is dangerous. There is supposed to be a portal to the Living World somewhere East of here. We had a few Angels guarding it, but if that girl got through it, then they are gone. It is now probably guarded by Hell's top Demons. They are something you do not want to meet."

"It shouldn't be a problem, right? I mean, it's not like we can die here."

"We may not die, but we feel pain. If the demons catch you, then you will wish you were dead. Well, more dead. I cannot stop you, but if you choose to go, be careful."

"Thanks." I said, then walked out of there. "That lady is really wierd." I said to my dad who was waiting outside.

"She's wierd, but helpful, isn't she."


I told him what the lady said. He disagreed with it, but he said aright. He told me to be careful, and I promised that I will. I know that most people wouldn't want to go and face their killer, but I feel that there is good in HellChild.

I reached the portal. There were four large demons guarding it. By each of them, there was one fallen angel. The angels must have been so beutiful. They had wings with a bunch of white feathers on them. They had white robes, and soft, white hair. They were all male. They must have been the best protectors of Heaven.

The lady at the visitor center that we couldn't die here, but I guess that doesn't apply to demons and angels. Speaking of demons, these ones are huge. They look really hard to beat in a physical fight, but what about intellectual? My experience with boys, which isn't that much, tells me that tough guys are usually not that bright. I took a deep breath, and walked up to them.

"Hello." I said. Bad idea. Bad idead. Bad idead. BAD IDEA! They all turned to me, their pointed teeth blood-soaked and sharp. I swallowed hard. They look like they're about to kill me. "H-Hello." I said again. "I, are you tired of having red skin? I know...uh, a trick to get rid of it." Great. I sound like I'm giving a sales pitch. One of them actually tried to speak to me.

"Who. Are. You?" He said in a gruff voice. "You. Human? Or. Angel? Or. You. Her?" This last word made him look scared. He must be talking about the HellChild.

"You fool! HellChild has already gotten out, you Oaf!" The one who spoke had a higher voice, one that sounds like a hissing snake. He was surprinsingly intelligent. I'm dead. Even more than I already am. They are going to pulverize me!

"Stop marguing." The third one also had a deap voice, but he doesn't speak as slowly as the first. He also puts the letter "m" in front of some words. "She is not mallowed to pass through the portal. This girl mill be punished for coming here."

"Maybe we with her. It woud to torture her." The fourth one's voice is like the second's, but he makes a wheezing sound between words. I'm so dead.

"Yes. You are are right, Tecko. Sojon, Oaf, grab her." Sojon and Oaf came towards me, and I ran.

"Nao. She. Is. Too. Fast." Oaf said to the last demon.

"We musn't mallow her to mescape." Sojon said.

"Leave me. I...will of her." Tecko said.

"Fine. Just hurry up. I'm hungry, and she can make a good meal." Nao said.

I panicked even more. I have no intention to be eaten by anyone. The four demons chased after me. It wasn't long before they caught up with me. They tied me up to a dead tree branch on the ground. It was heavy, so I couldn't move. They all stared hungrily at me. Nao, Oaf, Sojon, and Tecko were all horrible and their teeth were bloody and black and pointed and sharp and, oh I am so dead!

Then all I saw was a light. I closed my eyes to shut it out, but it wouldn't go away. I opened them and I saw a boy about my age with a sword at his waist and large white wings. An angel.

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