The Guardian Angel

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"What just happened?" I ask Gabriel.

"I don't know. Usually a demon would start a fight and try to kill us." He turned to me. "But I would never let that happen."

HellChild just flew away. She was obviously angry about something, but I don't know what. Maybe it's the fact that I'm alive. Gabriel and I went back inside and sat back down on the couch. He was still in his angel form, so I cuddled up next to him and he wrapped one of his wings around me.

"You mean so much to me." I said, laying my head on his shoulder.

"And you're the same to me. I love you, Lela." He said, kissing my forehead.

He stiffened up. His muscles tensed and and turned his hand into a fist.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing." He relaxed again, but he had an expression on his face that I haven't seen before. He was scared of something, but what?

"I know it's not nothing. Tell me. You can trust me."

He sighed. "I felt a dark presence come through to the world of the living, then I felt it leave, along with another dark presence."

"Do you think it could be HellChild?"

"That would explain one of them, but I think the other was Demora."


"The demon master. He's the one who sent HellChild here in the first place. He might have come to get her. Maybe he's mad the she fled. That why I said it was nothing. As soon as I sensed it, it went away. They're proably both back in Hell, where they belong."

"Oh, okay. So she's not going to bother us any more?"

He stayed silent for a while, so I thought he didn't want to answer. However, he sighed a few minutes later, and started to talk.

"She won't bother you, no."

"No, I said us. Will she bother us?"

"Lela, I came here partly because I had to make sure you were safe against HellChild. Now that she's gone, we have to go back. Meaning, I go back to Heaven, and you go back to the Dead Zone. I don't know if we'll ever see each other again."

"Gabriel, can't we just stay here a while? I mean, stay in the world of the living? Just in case she comes back, we'll be here to make sure she won't do any damage."

"No. I'm sorry, Lela. I can't stay, and neither can you. Come on, I'll take us back to the Dead Zone. Then we'll go our seperate ways. I'm sorry. I really want to stay with you, but I can't. I really can't."

"Why did you come with me in the first place? Why didn't you just stay in Heaven? Why were you the one who came down?"

"Because..." He trailed off.

"Tell me." I demanded. I want to know exactly what is going on here. "Now."

"I'm your guardian angel!" He blurted. He looked down at the ground. "I-I'm your...I'm your guardian angel, Lela. I was in charge of keeping you safe. Then you died, and, and...I don't know. I was there all the time for you. Since you were a little girl. I was there when you took your first bike ride, when you first went to school, and not too long ago when you first learned to drive. I was there. I grew a liking to you. When you were a little girl, I thought of myself as an older brother to you. As you grew to be about this age, that love turned into something else. I died at the age of sixteen. I have stayed this age for a long time. When you turned sixteen, I was so happy. I love you, Lela. I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier. I just couldn't tell you yet. I'm sorry."

I stared at him in shock. My entire life I have always felt a strange presence. When I was little, I had an imaginary friend that looked like him, and his name was Gabe. I didn't think Gabriel was Gabe because I thought that was absurd. It makes sense now. Gabe always knew things that I never told him. As I grew older, I thought that was just because he was inside my mind. Gabriel's my guardian angel. I didn't think I had one. I mean, I'm a Roman Catholic, and I believe in God and Heaven and Hell and the Devil and all, but I never thought about a guardian angel. That makes so much sense now. That's why...

"So when I had that car accident last year, and I wasn't hurt, that was because of you? The docotors were astonished that I didn't have any markings or bruising or anything. I didn't get a single scratch. A car T-bones me, my airbags don't go off, and my car was barely touched. Police say that at the speed that other guy was going should have done way more damage then that. Doctors said that he was in the hospital for weeks, and then he was probation when he got out. I didn't get hurt, and my car wasn't totalled. What did you do?"

"I wasn't moving anywhere for a while after that, I can tell you that much." He muttered silently, but loud enough for me to hear. He sighed. "Right before you were going to get hit, I stepped in front of the other car. I was in my angel form, so I couldn't be seen. I spread my wings out so my body didn't take all the force. Unfortuately, I was slammed back a bit, and that's what dented your car. Sorry about that. Once the car was stopped, I was done. I was seriously injured. Just because I'm an angel, doesn't mean I'm inpenetrable. I quickly made sure you were alright, and went back to Heaven. I was in bed for weeks."

"Thank you Gabriel. I could have died in that accident."

"I know. That's why I saved you. I still get some aches every now and then. Ow." He winced a little as he rotated his shoulder.

"Thank you for telling me about you, but does this mean we still have to go back?"

"Maybe I can talk to my boss. I'll see what she says."

I look at him questionably. "Isn't your boss God?"

"What? No, of course not. You see there are different types of angels in Heaven. There are the saint angels, who are the ones who went to Heaven without going to the Dead Zone, the guardian angels, which I'm part of, and the other angels. The other angels are just people who went to Heaven when they died. You could probably be one of them. Each group has someone in charge of it. The saint angel boss is Mary, the mother of God. The other angels don't have a boss. They kind of just do what the other groups tell them what to do. My boss is Anna. Here, let me give her a call, and see what happens."

"How are you going to call her? I doubt my landline or my cell can reach her."

"That's fine. Guardian angels get bluetooth."


"No, of course not, silly. But we do have a communication device. It's kind of like a cell phone, but instead of choosing to call someone, you press the call button it immediately calls the head angel. That's my boss. Give me a sec."

He walked into the other room, leaving me on the couch in the living room. So he's my guardian angel. I don't what, but something comes over me. I get up off the couch and walk over to a crucicfix and prayed by it. I said the "Our Father," the "Hail Mary," and the "Glory Be" prayers. I say theme over and over again. I chant the Nincene Creed. By the time I'm done, Gabriel comes back in the room.

"I have good news." He says. "We can stay, but only for a little while, not long."

"Thank you Gabriel!"

I ran over to him and kissed him on the lips. We sat on the couch and just slept. I didn't realize how tired I was, and I guess neither did Gabriel. It was a long day for both of us. I'm just glad it's over.

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