The World of the Living

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     As I walked away from the dead girl's body, I wondered how she felt. Was it a quick enough death that she din't feel anything? Or was it just slow enough that she felt her heart stop beating? Did she feel her soul leaving her body? I wonder what it feels like to die. I must have felt it once, but I have forgotten.


     I turned around to see the girl's mother talking to me. "What?" I asked. Why the hell would she talk to me just after I killed her daughter?

     "Do you know her name?"

     I smirked. "Now why would I want to know that if she was just going to die by my hand soon?"

     "Lela. Her name is Lela. If you are going to kill poeple, then at least have the decency to know who they are!"

     "But then I might get attached to them. That is not a risk I am willing to take."

     "You're not going to get far. People will know to look out for you, to stay away from you. I'll call the police. You can't-"

     I killed her. She was getting annoying. As she was talking, I lifted up my sword, angled it, and struck her. I watched as her eyes rolled back into her head, showing only their whites.  Blood came out of her mouth. It dribbled down to her chin, and dropped to the ground. My second kill. I love it.

     I walked over to the town jail. I am curious to see what the living murderers are like. Time for a little jail time. I think I'll just kill an officer in front of poeple, that way I can be thrown in jail. It beats going through the proccess of who I'm visiting and what's my name. I don't know anything about anyone's name. I took out my dagger on my waist and stabbed a guard in the chest.

     "Stop right there!" A gaurd yelled.

     "Gladly." I said. I held my arms behind my back and the gaurd handcuffed me. A few days later, I am standing in a courtroom, awaiting my snetence.

     "Why did you kill the police officer?" Asked the judge.

     "I did it because I wanted to. You can find me guilty. The quicker you do so, the quicker you can go on with your worthless lives."

     I am found guilty, not surprising, and I am thrown in jail. Now I can see if I can learn from any of them. Once I'm done, I will kill them all. No one in this town will live once I am gone from it.

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