The Angel

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He's beautiful. That's the first thing that pops into my mind. Then I rmember what's happening.

"Help!" I screamed. I remember that four demons are about to kill me again. "Help me!" He looked my way. He's so beautiful. This is exactly how I thought an angel would look like.

"Hang on." He said. His voice is so soothing. Suddenly I felt that everything around me just vanished. He calmed my soul. I see him coming towards me, his wings spread  out, his sword raised. He is coming closer to me.

I try to reach him, but then I realize that I'm stuck. Reality hits me like a brick wall. I am stuck here, tied to a dead tree branch. I can't move. The angel keeps coming to me, and I long for him to reach me. I don't want to become demon food!

"So. This. Is. Angel. Live. Angel. Not. Dead. Like. Those." Oaf said, pointing towards the four dead angels that were gaurding the portal.

"Mill him! We can't let the mangel survive." Sojon yelled.

"He good as...dead." Tecko said.

"Just kill him already! He is distrupting our dinner." Nao said bitterly.

"You don't want to eat me! I taste really bitter and I'm really chewy and-" Not even Oaf is going to fall for this. What am I doing? Just because I see people do this on tv doesn't mean it'll work for me.

"We. Like. Chewy. And. Bitter. Mmm. Tasty."


"Don't worry, I'll save you!" I almost forgot about the angel. "I am stronger than those other four combined. I am the strongest angel. I am Gabriel!"

Gabriel launched himself towards the demons, his sword never missing a single target. I close my eyes. I don't like seeing violence like this. I feel something warm on my cheek. Without opening my eyes, I raise my hand to feel what it is. It's blood. It's warm and sticky and I open my eyes, it's black! I look around. The demons are dead, each one stabbed perfectly in the heart. I look for the angel, Gabriel.

"Gabriel? Gabriel!" I screamed. I am still tied to the dead tree branch, so I can't move. "Gab-"

"Shh. It's okay. It's alright. You're safe now." Gabriel stood in front of me. His sword has black blood on it, and he is all scratched up. He has cuts along his arms and on his face, and his blonde hair is matted with blood. Not all of the blood was black, though. Some of it was red. It must be his blood.

"Gabriel, you're hurt."

"I'm fine. It's my job to keep poeple like you safe. What are you doing out here anyway?" He untied me from the dead tree branch and helped me up.

"I-I was hoping to go back to the world of the living."

"Sorry, but I'm afraid I can't let you do that. Once you're dead, you're dead."

"I know, but I was killed by a demon. HellChild."

Gabriel had a look of surprise on his face, then pity. "I'm sorry. Are you trying to get revenge?"

"No. I think there's good in her. I want see if I can change her to be good. I know that it's possible."

"You want to change a demon from being a demon to something good? Sorry, but that's not possible. Once a person turns into a demon, they're gone for good."

"I'm still going to try. I'm going through that portal." I took a step towrds the portal, but Gabriel stood in my way.

"I'm coming with you. I don't know what it is about you, maybe it's just because you are the only one I ever heard trying to change a demon to good, but I feel like I need to be with you. To keep you safe."

Is he hitting on me? Hm. An angel is hitting on me. I might have an angel boyfriend. Wait, I know nothing about this guy. He could be dangerous! He's an angel. He's good. Sure, but still-

"Come on." He said, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Sure." I took his hand  and we entered the portal together. There is a blinding light, and then I'm back at my house.

"When someone dies, and they somehow manage to get back to the living world, they end up in they place they died." Gabriel said. "By the way, what's your name?"

"Lela. My name is Lela." I take a look around. My house is still the same. I am still the same. But something feels different.

"Can others see us?" I ask Gabriel. I turn to look at him, but he doesn't look like an angle anymore. He still has blonde hair, but he doesn't have his sword or wings anymore. He just looks like an ordinary guy.

 "Yeah, they can see us." He sighed. "Look, there's something I have to tell you." Is he going to confess his love for me? Wait, what? "HellChild killed your mother,"

"W-What? She did...what?" I am starting to tremble, and I feel myself going to the ground. Gabriel is next to me, putting his arms around me. I should have known. She doesn't seem like the kind of person who would leave a witness. Or anyone alive for that matter.

"Come on. Let's get inside." He led us inside the house and turned on the news.

"...Earlier today a woman killed a police officer right in front of another...Willingly went to prison..."

"Wait, turn it up." I said.

"The prison this woman went to has burst into flames. All of the prisoners died, and all of the officers stationed at the prison died as well. Police are on the hunt from this woman. Here is her picture:" A picture of a girl with black hair in an orange jumpsuit appeared on the screen. It is her mug shot. She's smirking like the evil beast she is. "If anyone knows the whereabouts of her or knows who she is, please call (XXX)-XXX-XXXX."

"So she's killed more poeple."

"Yeah. I guess you're not the only one she killed."

"I'm glad I met you Gabriel." I said sleepily. I didn't realize how tired I am. I laid my head on Gabriel's lap and went to sleep. I'm so glad I met him.

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