Love's Kiss

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That girl is so mean. Even though she just got her memories back, she still acts as a demon. Devil, I mean Mora, wants Gabriel and me to leave, but Gabriel won't let me leave him, and he can't leave yet. I guess we're just all stuck here together for now.

"Let's just ignore her, Lela." Gabriel syays.


"No, go ahead. Ignore me."

Mora turns to her side so her back is facing us. She has scars all over her body, and her hair is matted to her head with blood. I can tell she's in pain. She keeps on tensing every few seconds. I feel sorry for her.


My attention turns back to Gabriel.

"How much longer?" I ask.

"Until what?"

"Until you're better and you can leave."

"I don't know. Not too much longer, I suppose. Maybe just a few more days."

"You've been saying that for the past month."

"Well, I just don't you worrying so much. I'll be fine."

He puts his hand on my shoulder, making me sit on the bed with him.

"I worry because I love you." I say.

"I know you do." He says, planting a kiss on my cheek.

A few days later, Gabriel is able to come home. I anxiously wait outside the main doors. When he comes outside, I run up to him and put my arms around him. My wings engulf us so that we are surrounded by white feathers. I realize what's happening and quickly fold them back up. I forget he doesn't have wings anymore.

"Hey, what's wrong? I didn't realize you would be this happy to see me out here again. I mean, I just saw you yesterday." He says, laughing a little.

"I know. I'm just really glad you're okay."

I think about Mora. I mean, she just found out that maybe she wasn't supposed to go to Hell, but refuses to accept it. Maybe that just proves how long she's been a demon. And what about her little brother? He seemed so happy to see her again.

"Hey, you okay?" Gabriel asks.

My brain snaps back to reality. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking about Mora is all." I say while we're walking back to his house.

"I know you're worried. That's what I really like about you. You always care for other people, good or bad. I'm sure she'll be fine. Perhaps she will accept her past one day. Maybe she can take the trial and get into Heaven."

"I don't really want to see her in Heaven." I say. I mean, she almost killed my boyfriend/guardian angel. We walk into the house, and I sigh with relief that we're home.

Gabriel grabs my hand. I look into his beautiful, forest green eyes. His blonde hair waves in front of them. His skin is so soft, and he lips are so sweet. He stares at me. I can't look away. I lean in. He pulls me closer. He puts his hand around my head. I let him push me closer to him. His breath is melting into my breath, it's so warm and full of deathly life. We move on to the couch. He lies on top of me.

He keeps kissing me. I keep kissing him back. I feel the love for him boiling inside me. I know he loves me the same way back. Our lips stay locked in a deep, never ending kiss. I love him. I know I do. I know he loves me. I would do anything to make him happy. I know he wants his wings back. I wish with such longing that he has them back.

A white light fills the room. We stop kissing and I stare at Gabriel in shock. Two large, gorgeous, white wings appear behind him. They grew back. He stares at them as if he has never seen wings before. He lifts them a little, but then winces a bit. He must not be used to them yet after all this time. He unfolds them slightly, rubbing his hands against them. He gets up off the couch and I sit up, still staring.

"How did..."

"I don't know Lela. It's never happened before. Never." He says.

The door flies open, revealing...what? I can't see who it is, all I see is a blinding light that has a blob in the middle of it. Gabriel's eyes open wide. He stares at the light as if it doesn't bother him at all.

"You have done service to Heaven, Gabriel. You have protected the one you have been sent to keep safe, and you almsot died to save another. You do not deserve to be wingless. You do not desrves what Mora has done to you. This girl loves you, and would do anything to make you happy again. So I gave you your wings back. A gift for your service."

"T-Thank y-you, s-sir." Gabriel sputters.

The light leaves and Gabriel sits back down.

"Who was that?" I ask.

"That was...God, Lela." He turns to look at me. "He gave me my wings. Because of you, He gave me my wings."

I stare at him in shock. Because of me? Was it because I wished for him to be happy? He flaps his wings a few times, the feeling returning to his muscules. A smile speards across his face. He runs out the door and tries to fly. I follow him. It takes him a few tries to get off the ground. After all, it'a been months since he's had wings. After a short time, he's in the air, flying faster than I've ever thought possible. I smile and join him. We fly together, feeling the wind against our faces and our wings flapping violently to keep us up.

"Lela." He says.


"Did you know that I love you?"

"Of course," I say with a laugh.

"But do you know how much I love you?" I shake my head. "I love you as high as I can fly!"

We laugh and fly up, up, and up. We never reach the end. Our love for each other is endless.

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