The Wanderer

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Traveller: No no no!

The man ran as his pursuers closed in from behind him. Three red bokoblins were hot on his tail. He cursed himself as he remembered that he had dropped is sword earlier as he tried to make his escape. He then tripped over a rock.

Traveller: Argh!

He turned to see them closing in on him. He closed his eyes and covered his face, muttering a prayer to the goddess as he awaited the end. And yet, the blow never came.

Traveller: Huh?

He looked up to see the bokoblins having turned their attention to someone else. A light brown haired young Hylian, somewhere around the age of 16 or 17. He wore some ripped old pants that were quite short for him, and a green doublet.

????: Yah! Hiyah!

He swiftly stabbed one of them in the chest with his spear, before pulling it out to block another one's strike. The weapon broke into two. He tossed the blunt end aside as he stabbed his enemy in the eye, him falling to the ground dead. He looked to see the last one retreating. He drew out his bow and fired. He hit the bokoblins head as it fell to the ground, dead.

The young man walked over to him, his serious facial demeanour unchanging. He said.

????: Are you alright?

Traveller: Yes... I am...

The young hylian nodded before walking off.

Traveller: Hey! May I know your name at least?

????: ...

He said nothing before continuing on.

Later at night

The man arrived at the stable and sat by the fire. One of the stablehands sat beside him.

Traveller: Oh, hello Rensa.

Rensa: Hello to you too. Good to see you made, I thought you'd be doomed for sure when we saw the Blood Moon.

Traveller: Yeah, I barely made it here alive... Hey, Rensa, did you see a young man come by here?

Rensa: Young man as in?

Traveller: Light brown hair, blue eyes, ponytail.

Rensa: Why yes. He actually staying here for the night...

He then began mumbling to himself.

Traveller: Rensa?

Rensa: -Muttering- How could he have...

Traveller: Rensa!

Rensa: What?! Oh, sorry, a little confused right there.

Traveller: About what?

Rensa: Well, the boy asked earlier about taming horses, as if he had no idea how. Yet when he went out to tame one, he got one on his first try! He even beat my record!

Traveller: How could he have done it if it was his first try?

Rensa: I don't know! It's as if he knew but at the same time he didn't know...

Traveller: Weird... Well, I'm gonna head to bed.

He handed him 20 rupees.

Traveller: Tell Tasseren I'll have a regular bed, give these to him.

Rensa: Alright.

The man headed inside. He saw Link sitting on a bed, mending some arrows.

Traveller: Hey... I never got to say thank you for helping me. I really thought I was dead when those bokoblins showed up.

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