Vah Medoh

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The sun was setting, slowly sinking behind the glistening white mountain tops. Link sat on the edge of the takeoff platform, his feet dangling over the pit below, watching it. Teba walked up behind him.

"Enjoying the scenery? Yeah, I understand. The view here is truly beautiful." he said.

He laid out a bundle of bomb arrows beside Link.

"Alright, I'm done fashioning these. They're pretty hard to make, so use them sparingly." the Rito instructed.

"Very well." said Link as he added the explosive arrows to his quiver.

"And one more thing, you're gonna have to leave behind your weapons." Teba then said.


"Look, I'm gonna be flying you high up into the air. You're gonna need to be as light as possible. So you're gonna be using some of our weapons."

As he finished explaining, he pulled out a sword and shield.

"This is a feathered edge and a kite shield. They're both light and quick to draw."

"I see." said Link monotonously as he put down his weapons and took the specially made Rito ones.

"As for the bow, I've modified this one for you."

He pulled out a light, white and gold bow, with two feathers attached to the tip of it.

"I call this one: a falcon bow." Teba declared as he handed it to Link, "It's light, and it's very quick to draw, meaning you'll be able to fire faster. Not that it'll matter much, you seem to be able to fire faster than most of us Rito. It's like  you slow down time or something."

"Very well." answered Link as he took the bow and strung it on his back.

"Alright, I'm gonna ask you one more time. Are you ready?"

Link nodded.

"Alright then. Let's do this."

Teba walked to the takeoff platform and knelt down, stretching his wings out.

"Now then, get on my back."

Link did as he was told, getting on and hanging onto his shoulders, as the Rito took off, using the updrafts below to launch him skyward.

15 minutes later

The two had flown above cloud cover and found themselves flying above Rito Village. The wind howled around them as Link shivered slightly. Even with his Snowquill outfit, he still felt a chill up where they were.

Below them, the two could see Vah Medoh flying below them. Teba looked down at his home longingly, before returning his focus to the Divine Beast.

 Teba looked down at his home longingly, before returning his focus to the Divine Beast

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"There it is. Alright, it's showtime." Teba stated. "Man, even I feel like I'm gonna freeze up here!"

Just then, a red barrier appeared around Medoh.

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