Zora's Domain

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"What is it you need me for?" Link asked.

"Well, I've been watching you as you made your way here. The way you work is quite impressive for someone of your age and stature. From how you carry yourself, you certainly are no ordinary person." Sidon responded, "Link, you must be a great warrior amongst the Hylians, correct?"

Link shook his head.

"No no no! Don't be so humble! I can tell just by looking at you, I am the Zora prince after all. I have an eye for talent that is unparalleled! I have searched for a long while for someone like you Link." Sidon commented, "At the moment, Zora's Domain is in grave danger because of the massive rainfall coming from Divine Beast Vah Ruta! I ask that you help us, we need your strength, warrior."

"I came here for just that. I have travelled here to appease the Divine Beast."

"Really? That's great! Then we share a common goal then! Excellent! Thank you Link, you truly are the person we need! Well then, first things first, we'll have to get back to Zora's domain."

"Before we do that, I want to say that one of your men is trapped up on that tower over there." Link interrupted.

"Oh, well then, I'll send a rescue party for him as soon as we get to the domain. We can't worry about that now, we must make haste! I must warn you though, the rain has made these cliffs impossible to climb. You'll have to use the path up ahead, but, it is filled with monsters that specialize in electric attacks. I will be unable to assist you, as we Zora are vulnerable to the element." Sidon instructed, "But don't give up, I believe in you!"


"I shall swim up ahead, scout around to see if there's anything really bad in store for you. Before we part ways, take this. It's a small trinket to show my faith in you."

He handed to him a bottle of some yellow colored elixir.

"This drink shall increase your resistance to electricity! It will not do any good for me, as it only seems to work for you Hylians. I am not sure why though... Anyways, this will make things a lot easier for you!" the Zora prince told him.

"Thank you." Link said.

"Good luck, I'm counting on you!"

He then did a backflip and jumped into the river. Link put the vial into his pocket and continued forward, through a small rocky canyon.

After a long, treacherous voyage through the path guarded by monsters, Link finally made it to the domain. Breathing a sigh of relief, he entered the place. It was built from the same smooth blue stone that was used for the bridges he had crossed. It proudly stood towering over the water, an artificial island in a great lake. He saw Sidon waiting by the entrance.

"Whoa! I've been waiting for you, Link!" Sidon said as he smiled, "Welcome! Behold the pride of my people, Zora's Domain! Now I shall introduce you to the king. Come along!"

Link nodded as he followed Sidon. They walked passed the statue of a female Zora warrior, holding a trident. Link looked at her for a moment before averting his attention back to walking. As they passed through, several Zora turned to the young Hylian following their prince. A few gazed in disbelief.

"Could it be?" one whispered.

"Impossible, he'd be long dead by now..." another murmured.

The two entered the throne room.

"Father, I have returned with someone who can help with our situation." Sidon announced.

Link's eyes widened. Before him stood a huge Zora, practically ten times bigger than Sidon. He was an older fish-man, the scars on his dark blue scale being proof that he had seen many battles in his day. Beside him stood a shorter, elderly, green scaled Zora. Link quickly kneeled before the monarch.

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