Lone Wolf

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It was cold, snowy, windy and miserable. After having set the dragon Nayru free, Link had paraglided off Mount Lanayru, and had begun to make his way through the Lanayru heights. Cold, injured, and alone, he wandered around, searching for shrines.

But the Sheikah Sensor would give him no sign, and no bright orange glow of ancient technology was in sight.

As he made his way, step by step through the snow, he suddenly heard something through the howling winds. Raising one arm to shield his eyes and let him see, he could see three silhouettes in the distance, two of them moving quickly after one that was much slower.

Curious, Link moved close, trying to get a better look at what it was. Two blue bokoblins were both chasing down a wolf with black and white fur, and dark blue eyes. Despite the beast being quite large, it was already wounded, blood was dripping out of several stab and arrow wounds, staining its fur and the snow beneath it as it tried to get away.

Exhausted and bloodied, it collapsed onto the ground, the predator gasping for air. The bokoblins approached the fallen animal to finish it off, when they suddenly spotted Link. Squealing threateningly at the trespasser, they both ran at him with their spears.

And that was their first and last mistake, as in the matter of a few seconds, each of them had an arrow sink into their heads, before quickly being finished off by the Champion and his knight's sword. Those two were not the first bokoblins he had fought, and they certainly would not be the last, as they burst into purple smoke, leaving behind a few of their body parts.

His expression not having changed in the slightest, Link simply grabbed the pieces and began to walk away. That was, until a sound came to his ears, reminding him that he was not the only one alive there.

Turning back, he saw the wolf lying in the snow, bleeding out. It whimpered weakly as it lay there dying. The thoughts began to clash in his head again.

"Ignore it. We need to get to shelter, don't waste your time on a dying animal."

"I can still save it, I have Mipha's healing power."

"Which, need I remind you, can only be used once before having to recharge. What if we end up needing it later?"

"I'll find another way."

"It's just a random wild wolf. Why are we even considering saving it?"

"It might be useful to me."

Link searched around. Knowing that wherever there were bokoblins, there most likely was shelter. Sure enough, he soon came across their hideout: another cave dug inside a large rock in the shape of a skull.

Knowing the wolf would be too heavy to carry, Link quickly came up with another method. Tying a rope around the animal, he then tied the other end to his knight's bow. The weapon being metallic, he used magnesis to haul it all the way into the cave.

Once inside the empty shelter, Link took his gloves off and laid his hands on the beast. Concentrating, he used Mipha's Grace to heal the animal's injuries. Bright light shone out of his hands, as the wounds healed, and the bleeding stopped.

Having done that, Link grabbed some wood from his inventory and made a small campfire for the two of them.

After keeping watch for a while, he leaned against the stone wall, he slowly began to drift off to sleep, to the sounds of the fire crackling, and the wind howling like a pack looking for their lost member.

The next day

Link woke up to hear the sound, not of the wind nor fire, but of snarling. As he opened his eyes, he saw the wolf standing on the other side of the now dead campfire, teeth bared, ready to possibly crunch his face off.

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