Gerudo Town

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The two Gerudo guards by the entrance stood firm, keeping their weapons pointed at him. They seemed ready to kill if Link made another step.

The young Hylian's expression didn't change, as he commanded in his usual expressionless tone: "Let me pass."

"No voe may ever set foot in our town!" declared one guard.

"If you wish to buy or sell, then return to the bazaar." the other said.

"I must speak to your chief immediately." Link explained.

"No excuses! If you do not wish for harm to come upon you, I suggest you leave now and not return."

Link took one step forward, only to get immediately hit back by one of the guards with the blunt end of her spear. Taima barked at the guard, as she got ready to pounce at her.

"Stay down." Link commanded her.

"That was a warning. Next time, I will not hesitate to use the sharp end, young voe. Now leave."

Getting to his feet, Link walked away from the gate. Seeing a shrine right by the wall, he headed to that. As he was walking, he started examining the wall, wondering if maybe he could sneak in via climbing.

"I wouldn't try that buddy." someone said behind him.

Link turned to see a rather fat man in purple clothing standing nearby.

"I've tried sneaking in so many times now. I've lost track of how many times I've gotten thrown out." he explained. "Name's Benja by the way, travelling merchant, and leader of a caravan. I left my group back at the bazaar to try and do some business here, but this town doesn't allow men so... yeah... that's why I'm here..."

"Is there another way inside?" asked Link.

"Nope. Security is extremely tight nowadays. Since the last chief got offed, they're all on edge. Every single way in is guarded to the tooth."

"Then why are you still here?"

"Ah! Well, you see, I'll let you in on a secret." Benja told him, as he began whispering. "I found key info on how to get into Gerudo Town! After a week of getting kicked out over and over again, I had almost given up hope. But then! I learned that a man had managed to slip into this well-guarded town."

"Where can I find him?" questioned the Champion.

"Curious now are you? Well, he frequently travels between Kara Kara Bazaar and Gerudo Town. I'm keeping an eye out for when he travels here."

"Hmm..." Link thought for a moment. With his orders being to accomplish his mission no matter what, the laws of the Gerudo had to be broken. A plan quickly formulated in his head.

First, he went to the shrine, leaving Benja behind.

"You're always welcome to wait around with me!" he called out.

Link went in, finished the shrine puzzle and collected the spirit orb. After leaving, he went up to Benja.

"Is there a faster way than the road to get to the bazaar?" he asked.

"Are you kidding? Of course, right over there." the merchant answered, pointing to a Gerudo tending to some sand-seal, all of them seeming to be domesticated, with bridles of their own.

"You can rent a sand-seal from her. They're really fast and can get you anywhere in the desert in a jiffy."

"Very well. Can you take care of my wolf?"

"Wait what? Uh... Sure, I can do that. Are you gonna be gone for long?"

Link shook his head.

"Oh, alright, I guess I can do that..."

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