The Hebra Mountains

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Link's eyes fluttered open. The last thing he remembered from the night before was him paying for a bed at the village inn, and then passing out on it before his head hit the pillow. After getting out of bed and stretching, he cooked himself some bread and warm milk for breakfast. As he was finishing up, he looked at the map on his Sheikah Slate, seeing where he'd go next.

"I'll go find some more shrines first. Let's see. There's a region north I haven't explored yet. I'll head there and search for more shrines."

He finished his food and left the inn. He headed to Revali's landing to set off. As he arrived, he saw Teba and his son getting ready to go.

"Oh, hey Link!" he greeted.

"Dad, is that really him?" the Rito child asked.

"Yes Tulin, he's the one who calmed down Divine Beast Vah Medoh."

"So cool!"

"So, you're taking up my offer and joining us?" Teba asked.

"No. I'm heading up to the furthest region up north."

"Aw..." Tulin said, disappointed.

"Oh, you mean Hebra? Ah, I see."

Thinking about something, Link asked: "Do you know where I can find more Sheikah Shrines?"

"Oh, like the one in the village? Well, there's a good number up north. I know where one is specifically."


"There's a place at the top of one of the mountain's called Selmie's Spot. It's well renowned all across Hyrule, as an ideal shield surfing spot, I suggest you head there."

"Can you show me on the map?" Link asked, holding out the Sheikah Slate.

"Oh, sure. Right about... here." Teba said as he tapped a part of the screen. A marker had appeared where he had tapped.

"Very well."

"Well, then, I guess me and Tulin better get going then. Safe travels kid, good luck on your quest. Also, watch out for avalanches, those things can probably take anything down easily."

Link gave a small nod.

Teba turned to his son. "Ready Tulin?"

"Yeah dad, I am!" the child answered.

Teba knelt down as Tulin climbed onto his back. He took off from Revali's Landing, flying off to the flight range.

"Weeeee!" Link heard Tulin squeal in of excitement as they flew away.

He then turned his head north-east, seeing an orange glowing Sheikah Tower in the distance. From where he was, he determined that it was the one for the region north.

Deciding that he'd head there first, he knelt down and activated Revali's Gale. He launched himself into the air and began to paraglide to the tower. He felt the cold air whip around him, though it wasn't any trouble for him, thanks to his Snowquill outfit.

He headed to the tower. The bottom of it was covered with ice blocks, preventing him from climbing. Thinking quickly, he shot a fire arrow into the ice, melting part of it and clearing the path for him. He climbed up to the top without much further issue, activating the tower with his Sheikah Slate.

"Okay, now where is this shrine?"

Now with the new map of the region, he found the shrine to be the top of the mountain to the west of the Hebra East Summit. Leaping off the side of the tower, he flew off into the distance.

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