Death Mountain

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Link counted his arrows, making sure each one wasn't bent or out of shape. After having ridden all the way down south through Akkala, before heading west, then turning north to enter the Eldin region, he had stopped by the Foothill Stable to take a break for a bit, making sure everything was prepared for the trip up the volcano. 

As he finished mending his arrows, a familiar sound greeted his ears. It was slow, melodic, like that of an... accordion.

Link turned around, his intuition being correct. There, playing by the inn's entrance, was Kass, the Rito bard. Getting up to his feet, he walked over to the musician. He couldn't tell why, but it felt good to see a familiar face again.

As he played on his instrument, Kass looked up for a moment. His wings suddenly stopped, as he saw Link standing in front of him.

"Ah! We meet again, Link! I'm glad to see you're alright, you look in good shape for a Hylian."

Link simply gave him a nod.

"Well now, what brings you to Eldin? Are you heading up Death Mountain?" Kass asked him.

"I am." the young Hylian quickly replied.

"Oh good. It is quite the place, even if it seems dangerous. There's much to see and do. I would be at Goron City right now actually, but after the recent eruptions, I believe it would be safer not to get my feathers singed... This is why I miss Tabantha so much..."

He paused for a moment, before suddenly scanning Link from top to bottom.

"Say, you wouldn't happen to have any fireproof elixirs, would you?" the bard questioned.

Link shook his head.

"Why do you ask?"

"Because they are absolutely necessary for the journey up! Without any form of protection, the heat of the mountain would burn you alive. It is quite unsafe to go unprepared." the bard explained.

"Oh." Link paused for a moment. If his journey through the desert had taught him anything, it was that protection from the elements was a must. If it was hard enough to stand the heat of the sand dunes there, he couldn't possibly imagine what it would be like up atop the flaming volcano.

"Now, no panic. Let's see... here..."

Kass opened his pouch and rummaged through it, before suddenly pulling out two bottles, each containing some dark grey red liquid.

"I have these two fireproof elixirs with me. I will be leaving this region anyway, so you'll be needing them more than I will. Also, if you need to make more, just cook a fireproof lizard with some monster parts, that's the recipe."

He handed the elixirs over to Link, who bowed his head quickly.

"Thank you." he said.

"Well then, I presume you'll be heading off?" the bard asked.

Link looked behind him. He saw Epona standing there, waiting. Taima sat beside her, her tongue out, waiting for them to go. He turned back to Kass and nodded.

"Well then, good luck." the musician told him.

As the Champion mounted his horse, spurring her forward as she began to trot away from the stable, he could hear Kass' singing behind him as he played:

"♫A hero from Hyrule's remains
Rises with courage to fight once again.
Wherever in time, sky or twilight,
Let him bring forth the light!♫"

Looking back, he could see him wink at him, as he rode away from the stable.

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