Return to Kakariko

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Epona's hooves clopped against the dirt road as they arrived into Kakariko. The sun was setting as the wooden chimes knocked against one another in the soft wind, making a ambient ringing sound. One of the town guards, Dorian, who was walking through the village with two young girls, waved to Link.

"Welcome back Master Link! I'm glad the voyage to Lanayru went well for you." he called out.

Link nodded as he got off Epona's back.

"Is that really him?" the eldest child asked the guard, curiosity filling her eyes.

"It is indeed Koko. He is the Hylian Champion of legend." Dorian told her.

"So cool!" the younger child said, jumping up and down.

Dorian chuckled at her. "These are my daughters, Koko and Cottla. Ever since you came here, they've wanted to hear some stories of your adventures."

Link simply pushed the topic aside with: "I won't be here for long. I'm here to speak with Elder Impa and pick up some supplies."

"Oh, of course, I understand." Dorian responded, "Sorry girls, perhaps another time."

"Aw..." they both said with disappointment.

Link got off Epona and left her by the entrance of the village as he headed on over to Impa's house. The elder was still sitting at her usual spot, while Paya was busy cleaning the stone, orange glowing orb.

"So, you've returned. From what I heard, Divine Beast Vah Ruta has been set free, and is ready to fight the Calamity once again." said the old woman.

Link nodded to her.

"So, how do you intend to proceed now?" Impa questioned.

"First things first, I must find more shrines. I will need as much strength and training as I can. I'm here to pick up a few supplies at the moment. I'll leave in the morning." Link informed her.

"Very well"

As Link was about to leave, his eye caught the orb Paya was cleaning. He now recognized it. It was identical to some of the ones he had seen and used in the shrines he had visited. He cleared his throat to get her attention: "Ahem."

Paya jumped in surprise as she turned to Link: "M-master Link. I-it's good to see you again... Is there anything you need of me?"

He pointed at the ball.

"Oh! You want to know what the orb is?" she asked.

Link nodded.

"Well, my grandmother has had it since her grandmother's time, and she inherited it from her grandmother. It's been in our family for generations. There's an ancient verse tied to it as well. Would you like to hear it?"

"Sure." Link responded.

"Alright: The hero, as chosen by the Sheikah heirloom, will be gifted the blessing of antiquity. The hero chosen... I wonder if it could be..." she said to herself, before suddenly snapping out back to reality. "Oh! I'm sorry, I got carried away there. Please, let me know if you need anything."

Link nodded to her before leaving the house. He headed over to the village's inn, comically named: the Shuteye Inn, to rest up for the night.

The next day

Epona was refusing to get on her feet. She was lying down on the grass, her head lowered down to the ground.

"Come on, get up." Link ordered her, trying to help her up by the reigns.

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