Lair of the Yiga

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"Well, do you accept the challenge?" Riju asked Link.

"I do. But I need some information on the hideout's location, as well as some better weapons." he answered.

"That we can provide for you. Remember, retrieving the heirloom is crucial in calming Naboris. Without it, approaching the Divine Beast will be impossible."

"Very well."

"... Heh, you know... I take heart in having such a rare visitor as yourself. Lady Urbosa must be looking out for us. Now then. Buliara, take him to the armory. Also, find any helpful information and give it to him."

"Yes, my lady. Follow me."

Link was led by Builara to the palace's armory. Upon the walls hung many ornate weapons, all of them decorated with gold.

"This is our armory. Take what you need, these are the finest weapons we can offer." she told him.

Link searched the armory's contents for a moment, perusing the different weapons the place offered. On one weapon stand, he saw a sword, its yellow green blade crackling with electricity.

As he began to walk towards it, Buliara suddenly blocked him.

"That thunderblade is off limits! It is property of the Gerudo chief and her family." Buliara said sternly, putting herself in between Link and the weapon, as though she were trying to protect a person.

Taking her order into mind, Link backed away, before heading off to grab some other weapons: a moonlight scimitar, a radiant shield, and a golden bow.

As he picked the weapons up, he looked back to where Buliara stood. She was staring at the thunderblade with an expression of grief in her eyes, as if she was thinking back to something, or someone, she had lost.

Snapping out of it, the warrior suddenly turned to Link.

"The guards at the barracks will have information on the Yiga Clan. Speak to them if you need guidance. If they ask, tell them that I, their captain, sent you." she told him.

"That will not be necessary, I have my own source." the Champion answered, as he began walking away.

"Lady Riju believes in you, you know." the warrior suddenly told him. "More than she does herself, ever since her mother's death. If she is right in believing you, then perhaps she can have hope in herself once again."

Link turned back to her, only to watch Buliara walk away as she finished that sentence.

He then left the palace and exited the city through the side entrance. Making sure no one was nearby, he quickly changed into his usual Champion's attire.

"Information from the Gerudo won't be enough. I'll need help from someone who knows the Yiga from the inside." he said to himself in his head.

Pulling out the Sheikah Slate, he teleported over to Ta'loh Naeg Shrine, back at Kakariko Village. Link felt a wave of coolness hit his face, as he was no longer in the harsh conditions of the desert anymore. Walking down to the village, he felt the peaceful atmosphere around him, as the villagers were going about their everyday lives.

Dorian was busy with his guard shift, keeping watch of Impa's home. Upon seeing the young Hylian, he waved.

"Welcome back, Sir Link! What brings you here this time." the guard said jollily.

"I need to speak with you and Tanis. Where can I find him?" the young Hylian questioned.

"Tanis? Oh, he's probably out training in the woods. Come on, I'll show you."

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