Teba's Teaching

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Link stood behind Teba, the wind howling outside the flight range as snow softly fell down.

"Are you the Rito warrior Teba?" he asked.

The archer remained silent, continuing to work on his bow.

"I don't know you. And I'm actually pretty busy here. You should probably go." Teba said, pulling the string back.

"I am here because I can help you." Link told him.

"Help me? With what?" questioned Rito.

"With Vah Medoh."

Teba lowered his bow in silence for a moment, before turning to Link and saying: 

"Let me get this straight. Some random Hylian wants to help me bring down Divine Beast Vah Medoh? I'm not buying it. What's your name, kid?"


"Link, huh? I see... Well then, Link, I'm guessing the elder sent you here to talk some sense into me. Am I right?" Teba interrogated.

"You are correct."

"Tch... Just like the elder to trust any fool wandering into town that can do so much as lift as sword." he muttered to himself. "Look, you seem like an alright guy. But let's get one thing straight, I'm not going anywhere. As a Rito warrior, I can't rest until my people are safe."

"You will not be able to protect them if you are dead." Link pointed out.

"A sacrifice I am willing to make. There's only one way I'm going back to Rito Village. Once Divine Beast Vah Medoh falls from the sky. If I have to die doing so... so be it." Teba answered sternly.

"... Very well. I will assist you." Link said.

"HA! Well, far be it from me to talk you off the ledge. But it's as the elder said: the only way to stop Medoh is to get inside. Fat chance of that happening, there is no possible way for us to do so." the archer informed him.

"That's where you're wrong, there is a way." the Hylian argued.

"So not only are you wingless... you are brainless too." Teba said insultingly. "Let me fill you in: the only people who could enter the Divine Beasts were the Champions of old. But they all failed and died, leaving the rest of Hyrule to try and fend for itself. And now I have to clean up the mess they left behind with that Divine Beast flying around..."

Link remained silent for a moment, before stating: "I am a Champion. The last surviving one."

"You? Don't make me laugh. You don't look at all like a Champion. You're not not even an adult! Look kid, being a Champion is nothing to brag about really. They had their duty, and they failed at it, and then left everyone to die."

That last sentence made Link's heart feel cold and heavy. This is what he and the Champions were remembered by? Their failure to protect Hyrule, leaving hundreds to die? Did he actually...

"NO. Don't think about it. I'm not weak, I won't let myself get the better of me. I calmed the Divine Beast Vah Ruta of the Zora. I can do the same for Vah Medoh." Link informed him.

"... Well, if you could do that for those fish people, I guess it could work for us as well. Alright... I guess we could work together. First thing's first, getting close to it. If we approach Medoh recklessly, its cannons will blast us out of the sky before we even get close. Not only that, but those things combined create a barrier around the Divine Beast."

"So we'll have to destroy them then." Link concluded.

"It's not that simple. To do so, we're gonna have to fly high up, meaning we'll have to shoot at it while airborne."

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