Eventide Island

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A bokoblin screeched as it fell dead to the ground, with a knight's broadsword in its chest. Link grabbed the hilt and ripped it out, just as the creature's body turned in purple gas, before fading into thin air. Unlike the many other enemy camps he had cleared, this one was different, for this time, his side had suffered a casualty.

It had been quick, there was nothing that he could have done about it. A single arrow had hit Epona in the heart, the white maned horse now lying there, dead. He knew it was pointless to grieve, there was nothing he could do. It was just a horse that died. And yet, he couldn't help but feel... guilty. That he could have done something to prevent it, and he didn't.

"Dammit, I need to get over this. I'll just get another one anyway."

Knowing that he didn't have time to do anything about it, he left the horse's dead body behind as he walked away. Link looked back as he did so, gazing at his faithful steed. Deep down, he felt that no horse could ever replace Epona.

He had been wandering for a few days south-east, searching through the region for shrines. Once he came to the seashore, he continued along the beachside, once in a while stopping to find something, be it treasure, a shrine or a monster. Now without his mount though, his journey would be a lot slower.

It was near noon. Link felt the warm sun on the back of his head as he took step after step through the sandy shores. Suddenly, something in the distance caught his eye. As he came closer, he realized it was a village on the beach. It was a small place, the majority of the houses were made of palm wood and what seemed to be old repurposed boats. Smaller ones were lined up on the dock and on the beach, oars and fishing equipment lying in them. Vendors sold their goods on their boats, floating on the water by the docks.

 Vendors sold their goods on their boats, floating on the water by the docks

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The inhabitants had dark coloured skin, green eyes and black hair. There were also a few Rito and Zora, and some brown skinned, red-haired women, standing out from the rest of the villagers, but they were few and far between.

Link checked the Sheikah slate to see where he was. He currently found himself on the south-east coast of Hyrule, and the place he was was named: Lurelin Village. He could also see on the map a large island somewhere off the coast, close enough that he could see it on the horizon as well.

"I'll check that out later."

Link walked through the village streets. What interested him the most at the moment was the Shrine atop a short cliff at the end of the village. Not giving anything else much attention, he climbed up the cliff to the shrine and entered.

30 minutes later

The Champion left the shrine, having collected spirit orb inside. Having completed that task, he decided to do some shopping. He headed over to the nearby marketplace by the docks, inspecting the fresh fish and crabs recently caught.

The young Hylian purchased an armored porgy, before heading to a nearby cooking pot and lighting a fire beneath it. He got to work, seasoning it and tossing it into the pot, watching as it sizzled in the oil, the scent filling his nose.

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