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~ billies pov ~
5 months later
smut warning besties

as ag kisses up my neck and back to my lips, i start to feel a sense of want. no, scratch that, i feel a sense of need.

i need her to touch me, but i'm also scared. what if when i wake up tomorrow, she'll already be up and left and i'll never see her again.

i've been kind of blowing her off lately, sometimes she'll insinuate having sex with that way she touches me, but i freak out and tell her i'm too tired.

i feel bad, because i know she has sexual needs just as much as i have mine, but i don't wanna give it to her and let her leave like everyone else did.

"mm, baby. fuck me." i demand between kisses, quietly though, since stormi's bedroom is right next to mine, and these walls are thin.

"you sure, or are you too tired?" i'm not sure if that was supposed to be sarcastic or what, but i brush it off. "i'm serious, i need you. i was just scared because i don't want this to be the last time i see you." i explain.

"what do you mean, bil?" she questions, pulling away from the kiss so she's hovering over me. "it's nothing, i'm fine- just...please i need you so fucking bad." i beg pathetically.

she chuckles and slides one of her hands under my shirt to grab my waist, and her other one sliding up passed my breasts to wrap around my throat.

"is this what you wanted?" she teases, making me moan and grab her waist to pull her closer to me. "daddy please." i gasp.

"oh, so i'm daddy now?" she brings her bottom lip between her teeth, showing off her pearly whites. i nod and grab the back of her neck to bring her back down for a heated french kiss.

she slowly drags my shorts down my legs, grinning at the fact that i decided to go commando today.

i lift my own shirt up impatiently, and she takes a second to admire my body, like nobody else has done before.

she leans down to connect our lips after a while and her hands crawl up my body to meet at my chest, touching and groping my boobs.

"mm, anna," i hum, watching her kiss down the center of my torso. i know what she's gonna do, and just thinking about it makes me insanely wetter.

she finally makes it to where i need her the most, and she looks up at me, nonverbally asking me for consent.

"is this fine, baby?" she finally speaks, since i'm guessing my nod of approval wasn't good enough. "yeah."

she spreads my legs open and props my legs over her shoulders. i close my eyes and wait for her to touch me.

i finally feel her tongue come in contact with my vagina, making me gasp and grip her hair. i haven't had sex in a year, so all it took was that simple touch to throw me over the edge.

she suckled down on my clit, making me shiver with an agonizing amount of pleasure coursing through my veins, my dopamine levels rising dangerously high.

i bite my lip to suppress my moans as my back arches, my eyes fluttering shut as moans pour from my mouth uncontrollably.

"you like that?" she hums against me, stimulating my clit even more. "yeah! fuck yeah!" i pule.

"uhh i'm gonna cum." i announce, feeling two of her fingers; middle and ring, sneak inside of me and push against my walls.

a squishy sound could be heard echoing off the walls as her fingers do their job to fuck me into an eye-crossing orgasm.

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