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~ billies pov ~

i'm a dumbass whore so if you see the name avery please don't mind that ugh i hate me

"fuck, baby. just put it in pleeeease!! i need it-" i'm cut off by ag sliding the strap into me. i gasp softly and bite my lip, a relaxed moan slipping passed my lips.

"is this what you needed?" she hums, starting to grind her hips at a slow pace. i nod eagerly, desperate almost. desperate for her to fuck me into a leg shaking orgasm.

"oh, fuck!" i seethe, my moans starting to get louder. "oh my god! ughhh, oh shit! mmmm-HOLY FUCK!" i moan.

"shhh, we don't need any complaints." ag whispers in my ear, covering my mouth. i continue to moan loudly, her hand muffling them.

my back arches, as a sticky, gushy sound comes from between my legs. "fuck, that feels soooo gooood. harder, baby. gimme it!" i quietly moan, obeying ag's request to stay quiet.

ag starts to thrust harder and deeper, bottoming out inside of me. "mmmhmm." i whine, a tear of pleasure rolling down my cheek from overstimulation.

i wrap my legs around her torso as the sound of the headboard hitting against the wall gets even more intense, and the clapping of our skin meeting gets faster.

"uhhhh shit, i'm gonna cum." i warn, feeling my stomach muscles tense. i watch as anna grits her teeth and starts to pound me into the bed, the legs of the bed trying their best to hold us up without snapping.

my eyes roll back as i feel myself coming undone. my mouth flies open, only for nothing to comes out but slight mewls and pules.

"shit shit shit shi-" i sigh deeply in pleasure as i feel my cum seep out of me. "mmm." i hum, as the dopamine that was once clouding my brain finally wears off.

she gives me a sensual kiss as she pulls out, making my body jerk sensitively. we continue to kiss as she pulls me on top of her.

she sits up against the headboard and i sit up on my knees as i take the dildo and line it up to my entrance.

she holds my ass as i sink down, my body almost giving out. i pull one of her hands off of my ass and slide it up my body, making sure her hand touches my breasts.

i make it to my throat and apply pressure, insinuating that i want her to choke me. she applies more pressure than i thought she would, making me slightly gasp for air as i rock the fake dick inside of me faster.

it starts to rub against my g-spot, making me cry out. i rub my clit in fast motions as i quickly fall into another orgasm.

i moan and fall over onto the bed, trying to catch my breath after 4 orgasms. she gives me a kiss and as she tries to slip back inside of me, there's a knock at the door.

i whine and slip my underwear on, putting on the nightgown i had on moments before ag ripped it off of me.

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