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~ omniscient pov ~

the 15 year old freshman grinds on the 18 year old seniors lap, as an intense make out session is going on in the backseat of brandon's car, billie can feel brandon trying to slip his hands up her skirt.

she pulls away from the older boy with a breathy moan. "brandon, you know that i'm a virgin and i kind of wanna keep it that way." she reminds the boy, watching as his swollen lips connect to her collarbone.

"babygirl don't you trust me?" he questions. "i- yeah it's just my mom said it'd be better if i waited a little longer-
"jesus christ, billie. that woman controls everything you do. it's time you start making your own decisions." he puts his foot down.

"i want you to trust me. i love you and i wanna make this special." he mutters just above his breath, looking deep into the naive girls blue eyes, whilst she stares back into his brown ones.

billie stared at him with absolute admiration. nobody has ever told her they loved her, besides her family. she's never had a serious boyfriend because she was considered the lame nerd in school, and nobody wanted a bad reputation for dating the gray haired petite girl anyway.

"you love me?" she asks, biting back a smile. "yeah, baby." the 18 year old senior lies right through his teeth, all to get into the girls pants. there was no doubt in anybody's mind that billie was beautiful and kind, but it was how she was labeled, that made everyone run the other way.

she nonverbally gave in, letting brandon strip her of her graphic tee and mini black skirt. he laid her down and kissed down her neck, pulling down her underwear.


billie walked into school with her books in her hands and a subtle smile on her face, knowing she just lost her virginity to the most popular boy in school, who said he loved her, the night before.

she smiled harder when she saw brandon perched up against his locker as his big group of friends stand around him and talk to him, with his arm around a girl.

she skips over to him with a red hue on her cheeks. "hey, que." she happily greets, getting a scoff in response. "the fuck do you want?" the football jock asks.

billie blushed in embarrassment as his friends chuckle to themselves. "i- i just wanted to say hi." she gulps. "i JuSt wAnTeD tO sAy Hi, get lost." he mocks.

this made the small, sensitive teenager bite the inside of her cheeks to suppress her tears of humiliation. as the bell rings and his friends disperse, billie wanted to say something.

"what was that for?" she asks, hurt filling her voice. "don't you understand that a girl like you shouldn't be talking to a guy like me?" he points out, slamming his locker door.

"what are you trying to say-
"i'm trying to say that we're done." he stifles back a laugh at the hurt expression that appears across the sensitive girls features.

"you said you loved me..." billie trails off in confusion. "god, you're so stupid." que shakes his head with a laugh.

"don't believe everything you hear, billie. i just needed my dick sucked. you've got a great head game though, maybe you could put it to good use with someone who's...more like you." and with that, he walks away.

billie stands there, already late to class, with her mouth slightly agape at what she just heard. the guy who she let take something so valuable to her, so special, just blew her off like she was nothing.

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