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~ billies pov ~

as i'm walking to my locker i feel someone pick me up from behind and spin me around. i gasp and kick my legs around, but make sure my skirt doesn't fly up and show everyone my ass.

"hi, beautiful." i hear ag's voice, and she puts me down so i can turn to see her. "hey, babe. don't scare me like that." i give her a light smile.

she picks me up and puts me up against the lockers. "why didn't you come over yesterday?" i pout, holding onto her neck for support.

"i forgot to tell you, my mom kinda grounded me and took my phone away. i was gonna sneak out but i didn't wanna show up unannounced." she explains.

"i don't care, i missed you and i was texting you all night. i didn't get my nightly facetime with you. i told you to come over whenever you want." i kiss her.

she deepens the kiss and i wrap my legs around her torso, smiling into the kiss. "i haven't seen you wearing a skirt in forever." she husks against my lips, sliding her tongue in.

"i wore it for you. do you like it?" i sigh between kisses, and she hums in response. "ladies, enough with the hanky panky and get to class." the hall monitor groans. we giggle and run to the bathroom.

she pushes me up against the bathroom wall and puts her hands on the wall on either side of my head, connecting our lips again.

"is this better than calculus?" she smirks, referring to the class we should be in right now as she kisses down my jaw. i lift my head up to give her more access as i reply with a hum.

"way better." i bite my lip. i hold the back of her head as she sucks on my cleavage that spills from my tank top. "no marks, i don't have a jacket to cover up." i inform.

usually she won't listen to me, but this time she nodded as a girl walked into the bathroom. probably a freshman, since i've never seen her before.

she stares in disgust, before seeing that its ag, and walking out of the bathroom. ag has a "bad-boy" reputation. no, she would never bully anybody, and i would never date a bully considering i was bullied my whole life, she's just very straight forward and rude sometimes.

she's known for being the "class clown" and somebody who won't let you walk all over them. if you got something to say, it'd be better to say it to her face. and if you wanna fight, meet her outback in 10.

(what kinda 10 year old tiktok was that plsssss!!! honestly just deal with it i'm tired asf)

don't fight her though, 99% of the fights she's been in, she's won.

she doesn't show her soft side unless she's with me, and i'm glad i'm the person that brings her soft side out.

"you wanna go in a stall, to be more private about this." i ask, as she elicits a moan from me. "why didn't you just say so?" she smirks, picking my up by the back of my thighs and bringing me into the stall.

she locks it and i look up at her, her eyes darker than before. lust-filled. out of nowhere, she picks me up by my thighs again and gets on her knees.

i squeal as she throws my legs over her shoulder, so i'm sitting on her shoulders with my soaked vagina right in her face.

i think your imagination can make up what happened next.


i mewl quietly as ag eats me out. she grabs my hand and holds it in hers as she brushes her thumb over my own thumb.

after we...did what we did in the school bathroom, we figured that wasn't enough so after school we went to my place.

i told barbie to keep stormi at her house for an extra hour, giving us 2 hours. i didn't tell her why, but i think she knows why.

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