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okay so before this chapter starts i just wanted to say that i had a moment because i saw this

okay so before this chapter starts i just wanted to say that i had a moment because i saw this

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and i really love her books so i was sitting here like 🧍🏼‍♀️...so if you're reading this hi i love you❤️

anywaysssss...the posting the last chapter now bc i just can't wait

~ billies pov ~
3 years later

i'm sitting in the hospital bed, with ag right next to me, holding our newborn daughter, amelia.

"she's so cute." she whispers, brushing her cheek with her thumb. "i know, she has my eyes." i point out.

i look up and her and we make eye contact, and i lean in to kiss her. "this is weird, having an actual kid of my own." she sighs.

"can i hold her?" she asks. i carefully hand amelia to her, making sure she supports the head. "hi, baby." she murmurs.

she holds her hand and amelia grips her index finger with her hand. "baby, are you crying?" i giggle softly, watching tears fill her eyes.

"y-yeah. she's just so precious." she sniffs.

time skip to three days later

"hey, pumpkin. how was your day at school?" i ask as stormi walks through the door of our new house, boxes still filling some areas.

"it was okay. willow said i can't come over to her house anymore." she says sadly, hanging her backpack on the hook and sitting down on the couch.

"why, you guys are great friends, what's going on?" i ask, fixing my shirt to breastfeed amelia. "she said it's because i have two mommies, and her mom didn't want me to try and touch her." she explains.

i sigh and put my head down. i knew this would happen sooner or later. "it has nothing to do with willow, baby. that's her mom speaking into her ear and telling her mean things. hatred is taught." i say.

"but if she doesn't want you around her then we have to respect that." i finish, rubbing amelias back as she starts fussing.

"but mommy, she was my best friend." she frowns. "i know, baby. but you have other friends don't you? maybe savannah can come over tomorrow." i suggest.

"okay." she agrees. "go do your homework if you have any, mommas gonna be home soon-"

as if the universe heard me, ag walks through the door with grocery bags. "hey, babe. how was work?" i greet, giving her a kiss.

"it was fine, the usual. i stopped by the store to get some shit that we were running out of. how's your day been?" she huffs as she sets the heavy bags on the counter.

"do you really wanna know? it was horrible. amelia took a shit on me when i was feeding her earlier, and i had to throw my shirt away because the stain wouldn't come out. and i haven't been to sleep at all and i haven't gotten a chance to take my makeup off from yesterday and i haven't taken a shower yet so i smell like a fucking sewage plant, and i'm gonna be on my period for the next month." i explain.

"when you're done feeding her give her to me and you can do what you need to do for the day." she offers. "okay, thank you." i smile.


"fuck, my fucking vagina hurts." i complain as i lay down in the bed. "i bet, it just pushed out a human a couple days ago." she chuckles.

"i'll stretch your vagina out too, see if you'll be laughing then." i threaten. "oooh, don't mind if i do." she smirks. "you're sick." i giggle.

"hey, baby?" i call out, going onto my phone and earning a hum in response. "do you remember when we were back in school, and we met through a fucking breakout room?" i laugh.

"yeah. i said you were fine as fuck! how could i ever forget that?" she shrugs. "i'm glad i met you, you're the light of my life." i tell her honestly.

"you're mine too, baby. i love you." she whispers, pulling me into her chest. "mmm, i love you too." i hum.

the end.

i'm bad at doing endings and i didn't know how to end it so here you go oof.

bye y'all. for now....😏😏😏


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