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~ billies pov ~
gonna add a smut warning cuz why not

it's a thursday and i just got off of work, and i'm coming home after picking stormi up. i work late shifts because of school being in the way so once i park and reach to get stormi out, she's already asleep.

i unstrap her seat belt and pick her up. i look around with my pepper spray in my hand as i cautiously walk up to my apartment building door, opening and closing it quickly.

as a woman, and a single mother, i have to stay safe.

as i walk up the stairs to my apartment i get my apartment key ready in my hand. i make it to my door and unlock it, sighing as i close the door.

i walk back to my room and lay storm down on the bed as i get her in her pajamas for the night. as i'm putting her back in her bedroom, my phone starts ringing.

i check who it is and it's ag trying to facetime me. i smile and walk back to my room before answering and turning on the light.

we've been talking for about a month and a half now, and dating for about 3 weeks. "hey, sexy." she smirks. "hey, baby. what are you calling about?" i ask as i prop my phone up on my nightstand so she can still see me.

"nothing. just wanted to see how you were doing." she shrugs, watching me get undressed out of my work clothes. "your boobs look great." she compliments.

"meh, they're okay." i grin, adjusting my bra. i turn my back to the phone as i slip my bra off of my shoulders, giving her a show as i put on a shirt, taking off my pants so i'm left in my favorite pair of panties and a shirt.

i take out my hair as we continue to talk, and i fluff my hair so it falls back in place. "bae we really need to meet up so i can kiss you in person, and not just over the phone." ag suggests.

i scrunch my nose as i walk to the bathroom to remove my makeup. "i don't know, babe. don't you think that's a little unsafe? and i have a 2 year old and she'll be more affected if she catches the virus-

"billie, relax. guess what i'll do, i'll get tested, and even if the test comes back negative i'll quarantine for 14 days just for you." she suggests.

"you would do that just to meet me?" i smile, my brows curving upwards. "of course, baby. i wanna hold you, i wanna meet stormi." she replies.

i blush as i take a makeup wipe and wipe off my makeup. we continue to talk as i do my facial regimen, and brush my hair out.

"listen, baby. i'm fucking tired so i'm gonna go to sleep, so goodnight and i'll talk to you when i wake up." she discloses. "and if i wake up before you do then i'll spam your phone." i smile.

she chuckles, and that chuckle made me feel something deep inside of my stomach. "mkay, goodnight, baby." i farewell, and i end the call.

i put my phone on the nightstand and roll onto my back, thinking about the way ag's chuckle made me feel. i whimper softly as i feel myself become wetter and wetter.

i check the door to make sure it's shut, and reach under my bed for my favorite toy, my vibrator.

it's a silent vibrator, so i'll be fine. i slip my ruined panties down my legs, throwing them on the floor. i turn it on and place it directly on my tiny erect clit.

my body jerks and i cover my mouth so i don't moan too loud. i seethe as my eyes roll back, my head digging into my pillows and messing up my hair.

i bite my lip and grab my second favorite toy, the g-spot massager.

i put the vibrator away and turn this one on, pushing it inside of me

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i put the vibrator away and turn this one on, pushing it inside of me. i whine as it rubs against my g-spot, and my back arches.

(like when she performs wiwo😏😏)

"mm, shit!" i gasp, imagining ag calling me kinds of dirty names with her soft but husky voice.

i mewl and my eyes roll into the back of my head. "daddy, mmm." i whisper, my hips bucking upwards as i feel myself getting closer to my release.

i rub my clit to add to the pleasure and i almost scream as i fuck myself harder into oblivion.

my hips rise as my legs clench around my cum covered hands. "oh my god..." i sigh as i come down from my high. i bite my lip with a relaxed smile on my face, and i pull the massager out of me.

i turn it off and put it back under my bed. i sigh again and stand up, deciding that i need to take a shower.

i grab a towel and turn on the water, stripping off my shirt. i tie my hair in a bun since it's not wash day, and step inside the steamy shower.

as i'm washing my body with my cherry blossom body wash, i notice how good my boobs look covered in soapy suds.

i smirk and grab my phone off of the sink counter, taking a picture of my boobs that i could maybe send to ag if she wants me to.

i finish up my body and turn the water off, grabbing my towel and stepping out. i see my body in the mirror and see a couple more stretch marks that weren't there the last time i looked in the mirror.

i frown and run my fingers over the stretch marks on my thighs, and the ones on my stomach from being pregnant.

i lean my head to the side and put my towel on. i open the door and gasp when i see stormi standing at the door.

"baby, what are you doing up?" i ask, holding over my chest. "mommy my tummy hurts, and i threw up in my bedroom." she admits with a trembling bottom lip.

"oh my goodness, hold on let mommy get dressed and i'll take care of it." she walks out and i get dressed quickly in a tank top and some spandex shorts. luckily we have wood flooring so it won't stain anything.

i walk down the hall to her bedroom and then turn her light on to see a small amount of throw up by her bed. it was a weird color and looked like the lucky charms she had before she went to barbies house.

i grimace and grab some paper towels from the kitchen and put gloves on, since i'm very much a germophobe. especially since this whole pandemic started.

i get on my knees and clean it up, wanting to throw up myself as i throw the dirty paper towels into the trash can i brought in here with me.

i go get a wash cloth and wet it with soap and hot water to clean up the floor, just in case it got into the cracks of the wood. i sigh in exhaustion as i put everything away.

"i'm sorry, mommy." stormi apologizes with a frown. "no no, honey. it wasn't your fault, your tummy just didn't like what you ate." i explain softly.

"you wanna go sleep in the bed with mommy?" i question. she nods with a soft grunt as i pick her up. i walk into the kitchen to grab a ginger ale and some saltines.

"here, bug. i want you to eat some of these and drink a little bit of this so it'll make you feel better." i lay her down in my bed and crack open the drink, putting a straw into it before handing it to her.

i rip open the bag of saltines and give her some to chew on, before grabbing a bucket and putting it by her side of the bed just in case.

ginger ale cures anything, i don't make the rules 🤷🏼‍♀️

i lay down beside her and rub her belly. soon later, she's out like a light with her head nuzzled into my cleavage.

i kiss the top of her head and pet her hair out of her face. i smile at her squished cheeks and pouted lips, admiring her beautiful naturally long eyelashes that she got from me.

even though some of her attributes remind me of brandon, like her smile, i try to look passed that. she's my daughter, and even though brandon is her biological father, he was never in her life, so i don't think of her as his daughter anymore.

i raised her to be the polite, smart girl she is, not him. and i promised her when we were in the hospital room together that i'd find her a dad, and i hope ag is the father figure stormi needs.

i sigh and turn off my lights, turning down the tv so i can go to sleep, seeing as it's almost 1am and i have school in 6 hours.

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