paiges story

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"yeah, that's what happened." i smile sickly as i explain what goes on inside of my head to my therapist.

i was deemed mentally ill, so i've been put in an insane asylum.

i tell people that billie really did abuse me, and tried to explain that i'm not crazy.

i've been diagnosed with schizophrenia. what was happening wasn't even real, the doctors told me.

i almost murdered billie in her sleep once, it's what she deserved. she tried to hurt me and the baby.

the doctors told me there's no baby, no alexis, no elita and claire, no elijah and no isaiah.

they're lying, all lying.

billie still visits me sometimes, i don't like it though. she told me she wants what's best for me, and what's best is mental help.

i don't need mental help, because i'm not crazy!

she cries every time she comes here to visit. i like seeing her cry, it what she deserves after months and months of abuse.

she denies any allegations i put on her, and the doctors believe her! i can't believe it!

"paige, you need to stop saying that billie did these awful things to you. it's making her upset and we know it never happened-

"yes it did! why can't you believe me and not her?! she did it!" i insist.

"alright, settle down, paige. it's lunchtime. and time for your medicine." he says, taking the chains off of my wrists.

i still have cuffs on my ankles, so i don't run away.

i do that sometimes, so i can get out of here. my friends are nice, but not the nurses.

mean, mean nurses.

they give me pills, and tell me i need them to stay good.

i don't need pills, they give them to me because they're trying to trick me.

i'm not crazy like the doctors say i am, not like billie says i am.

billie tried to give me a kiss before i was committed here, but i spit in her face.

abusive, drunk bastard...

i sit down on the chair in the lunch room, looking around at all the different people.

i see some new faces, maybe i can tell them i'm not crazy so we can escape together...

"turner, here are your pills. open wide." the nurse smiles. ugh, that smile is so fake.

i keep my mouth shut and glare at her, wanting to bitch slap her. but i don't, i don't wanna go to "the room" ever again.

i finally open my mouth and she drops the pills in there, giving me a cup of water. i hide the pills under my tongue and gulp the water down.

i open up for her to see, showing her that the pill isn't in my mouth.

even though it is. once she walks away i discreetly take them out, stuffing them into the dirt of the potted plant next to me.

they can't lie to me forever.

hi ummmm i'm kinda proud of myself 🙃🙃🙃🙃

it's not that long but it's pretty long for me 🥲

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it's not that long but it's pretty long for me 🥲

okayyyy so 'crying in the club' explained:

so basically paige has schizophrenia and that's why one minute billie (the real billie) would be nice, and the next she wouldn't (the billie in paiges head)

and that's why billie wouldn't remember hitting paige when paige would tell her she was doing it. and paige never had any bruises, so billie was always confused.

billie still believed her, and blamed it on the alcohol. but billie never went crazy whilst intoxicated, it was all in paige head, even the kids.

so yeah sorry if this doesn't make sense hehehe

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