78. Wattpad Cliche

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Alexander Zverev:

You were the quiet and reserved girl that didn't have many friends. He was the over-confident bad boy who made a bet with his friends that he wouldn't fall for you. At first, you were confused as to why he had started talking to you so much and why he was so pushy to go out on a date with you, but due to his persistence and constant kindness towards you, you found yourself saying yes and falling for him. What had started as a joke to earn a few bucks from his friends, turned into real feelings that Alexander had for you, and turned into more anxiety over having to tell you the truth as to why he started talking to you in the first place. He tried his best to delay having to tell you, though when his friend came out and said it straight to your face, you couldn't help but feel your heart shatter into a million tiny little pieces. You then later received one of those big romantic speeches, where he told you that although it started as a joke, he truly fell for you and wanted no one else other than you. And that was enough for you to get back together with him, despite his stupid actions in the past.

Alex de Minaur:

You and Alex were best friends and had been for years, and one time when you were visiting him on tour, you were almost certain that it was going to be the time where he would admit to having romantic feelings for you. Though, the week went on, and despite having multiple opportunities to tell you about his real feelings, he just continued to act like the two of you were just friends. One day, it was all too much for you, so you gave him an ultimatum: to admit that he has feelings for you or you were leaving to go home that night. He was so caught off-guard and didn't know how to respond, that after thirty seconds of silence you turned your back towards him and went to go pack your things. It took him until about half an hour before your plane was about to leave for him to realise that he wanted to be with you as more than a friend. He raced to the airport, catching you just before you were about to board and giving you that good ole confessional speech about how much he loves you, with thousands of strangers watching on. Of course, you couldn't leave him hanging and reject him - you really didn't want to leave. Instead of boarding that plane, you just kissed him and stayed with him for the rest of the tour, the two of you building your relationship finally as a couple, rather than just friends.

Benoit Paire:

You had found yourself growing feelings for two people - a guy named Axel and the one and only Benoit Paire. The two of them despised each other as they both wanted to be with you, though you were still trying to figure out which one of them you wanted to be with. You knew that you were going to have to make your decision quick, because they weren't going to stick around forever. But they both meant so much to you and you wanted them to both stay in your life no matter what. Eventually, you found that you wanted to be with Axel, and sadly had to let Benoit down. He was disappointed that he had hung onto the hope of you choosing him, and tried his best over the next few months to get over you. What he didn't know, was during that time you were starting to realise that you had made the wrong decision, and you didn't love Axel as much as you thought you did. At first you thought that you realised it a little too late and that you had to stick with the decision you made, though your heart truly was lying with Benoit and you knew you couldn't keep up with acting like you loved Axel forever.

Borna Coric:

You were going through a bad spot with Borna, and considering you were a performer, you thought that it was easiest to deal with your emotions and process them through song writing. You wrote a song quickly about Borna and the situation, about how much you missed things being right with him and how you wanted to be with him again. Then it just so happened at one gig that you had and it being the first time you were performing the song, you were surprised to see that Borna arrived and was there to support you at your gig. You were unsure if he was ever going to come along to another one, but you were glad that he decided to come along to the one where you were going to sing a song written for him specifically. He just stood in the crowd, watching on quietly as you teared up, singing about memories that you shared together and how much you missed him. It was a lot harder to get through the song than you thought it would, though you were still glad that he listened to the things you were saying and realised that the song was about him. He immediately confronted you about it after the show, the two of you making up quickly because of this one song that expressed your feelings towards him better than anything else ever could.

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